Monday, October 28, 2024



The latest news coming out of Iran is that the 85 year old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is seriously ill. These people are not used to hiding underground like rats. But that is what the ayatollahs and the leadership in Iran have been doing for the past few weeks. In fear of Israeli decapitation strikes they have been living in underground bunkers. Extremely undesirable and extremely un-macho behaviour by the leaders of a sovereign country. I believe it has taken a toll on the ayatollah's health.

This time around there already is a power struggle that is developing on who should be the supreme leader of Iran. The long time front runner was their president Ebrahim Raisi but he was killed in a mysterious helicopter crash - although fingers point at Israel there could be a power struggle conspiracy from inside Iran that killed Raisi. Raisi was possibly taken out by other mullahs.

This time around the IRGC has made it known that they wish to have a say in choosing who shall be the Supreme Leader. This is not a democratic process. And the Supreme Leader is selected for life. An even more un-democratic (and suicidal) practise. Obviously the IRGC is not fully supportive of Mojtaba Khamenei as the new Supreme Leader.

There are many reports saying that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's 55 year old son Mojtaba is the front runner to be his father's successor as Iran's Supreme Leader. There is much resistance inside Iran to the idea of appointing Ali Khamenei's son as his successor. Cliche words like nepotism pop up.

I find it quite unbelievable that in this 21st century adult human beings would still be mesmerised by grown men wearing primate type beards, wearing long women's gowns and really silly headgears on their heads as "indicators" of their 'holey-ness' and hence their qualifications to be supreme leader of a country of 85 million people. 

Does that mean the larger the headgear the better qualified to be supreme leader?

                  Guess who is best qualified to be the new Supreme Leader Ayatollah?


When logic, common sense and reason is replaceable by a piece of cloth wrapped around your head that is when your civilisation has gone into the bin.


If you are a techie (or if you are RMAF) here is a brief video behind some of the tech that was used by Israel in Saturday's raid on Iran. 

Other reports now say that up to 140 planes, drones (UAVs and UCAVs) were involved.

Of particular interest is the use of another top secret, jet propelled Israeli UAV or UCAV labelled RA-O1 which performed recon flights into Iran and back.  Nothing is known about this drone other than it exists.

About half the Israeli pilots flying the missions were from their airforce reservists. Some of their pilots were females flying combat, which is nothing new for Israel (our RMAF also has female pilots trained for combat). Here is the video. 




The ayatollahs have begun accusing Iraq of allowing Israeli aircraft to fly unmolested through Iraqi airspace on their way to bomb Iran. The Iraqis did not close their airspace either. Its in the video below. 

Another piece of trivia is that in April when the Ayatollahs first fired missiles west towards Israel, again through Iraqi airspace, the Iraqis deliberately closed their entire airspace (quite understandably - for air safety reasons). This meant that any and all objects flying in the sky from east to west were most certainly Iranian missiles and drones. Which made it easier for Saudi, Jordanian and US Navy radar to track them and shoot them down. As the world knows the April attack (with 350 missiles and drones) was a colossal failure.

Without warning the ayatollahs have fired their (unmanned) missiles and drones TWICE already through Iraqi airspace which is also shared by commercial airline routes.  The ayatollahs dont give a hoot for the safety of  commercial airplanes flying the same corridor.



Sunday, October 27, 2024




Lim Lip Eng (above) said  :  "Dah curi duit rakyat, mahu berehat di rumah. Inikah perjuangan UMNO?"

Ahli Parlimen Kepong, Kuala Lumpur Encik Lim Lip Eng semalam mengeluh kemungkinan pencuri yang mencuri wang boleh menjalani hukuman tahanan rumah. Pemimpin DAP itu berkata keadaan sedemikian akan memberi gambaran bahawa seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan mencuri tidak akan berdepan akibat buruk.

"Mereka mencuri wang kita, dan sekarang mereka mahu berehat di rumah? Ia seperti berkata, 'Teruskan, curi seberapa banyak yang anda mahu, anda masih akan menikmati kehidupan yang baik," Malaysiakini memetik tulisan Lim dalam catatan Facebook semalam.

My Comments : Wah, Lim Lip Eng? Did you really say all that? What a first class hypocrite. Mr Backside has already said 'I accept his apology". Yet you are still sleeping with Mr Backside in your "unity gomen".  Your party still main b*nt*t with Mr Backside.

When  the Mufti Bill comes up in Parliament ALL your 40 DAP MPs are going to vote for the Bill. Your UMNO and PKR friends will be supporting the Bill. It is YOUR Bill. So why are you being such a hypocrite?

When they dropped those 34 charges against that Deputy fellow you did not do anything.
When they reduced the other fellows jail term you did not do anything.
When they reduced his fine by half you did not do anything.
Now if they put him under house arrest you will not do anything. 

Stop pretending that you care. 
Dont be a hypocrite.
Main wayang Cina kah? 
  • I have some news for you Lim Lip Eng.
  • Murray Hunter says that Pas is having negotiations with Mr Backside.  
  • I think you know this as well. 
  • Pas has 42 seats - which can replace the DAP's 40 seats.
  • It is not impossible if they decide to kick out the DAP and team up with Pas. 
  • Bye bye DAP.

It is too late anyway. Chinese voters are going to punish you. You are seriously losing the Chinese vote. 

  • You have no principles - you teamed up with UMNO to form the gomen. 
  • You already knew they were crooks. 
  • So why do you complain about them now? 
Lim Lip Eng, ponder this carefully. 
UMNO is at the bottom of the sh_thole. 
They are on their way to extinction. 
This means they have no way to go but up. 
Every single day that you (DAP) are their partners in the "unity gomen" you improve UMNO's chances of survival. That is what you are doing.

DAP on the other hand with your 40 seats are still sitting higher up on the ladder. But you are now going down. 

  • UMNO is going up at your expense. 
  • You are going down for UMNO's benefit.
  • Plus you are losing the Chinese vote.
  • You are not very clever. 


If you were expecting me to say something about the local jerkoff issuing apologies for stealing RM20 Billion and the other jerkoff accepting that apology well after a while you become numb to their stupidity. They are village idiots.

Well the Islamic world has largely been super quiet about the Israeli airstrike against Iran yesterday. Some statements were made but thats it. No protests in the streets (except by some white people in London), no rallies after yesterdays Israeli attack on Teheran. Because Iran is Shia and the rest of the Muslim world is Sunni and Sunnis hate Shias and vice versa. So no one cares about Shia Iran. The truth is the Arab world from Morocco to the Gulf monarchies are celebrating this Israeli attack. The Taliban in Afghanistan and the Pakistanis are all celebrating. Hypocrisy at another maximum among the ummah. And of course the really stupid ayatollahs have very few friends anywhere.

Before the strike the ayatollahs threatened to attack any Arab country that allowed Israel to fly through their airspace. The Israelis flew through Syria and Iraq - without their permission of course. Syria and Iraq are Shia controlled and allies of Iran. So Iran cannot retaliate against them. Checkmate.

It is now believed that up to 120 Israeli jets, their SEVEN air to air tankers and other recon aircraft were involved in the strike. That is a lot of air assets to fly 1,600 km to Iran (one way) and back through hostile airspace. Considering that each jet would have carried a minimum of FOUR bombs plus air-to-ground missiles that would have been plenty of ordinance. Where exactly and when the SEVEN tankers refueled the 120 jets is a mystery.  Quite unbelievable mission planning.


The air strike happened in three waves or distinct phases. The first two strikes were against radar and air defenses plus ballistic missile sites along the strike route through Syria, Iraq and finally Iran. The third strike was against Iranian military bases and arms manufacturing plants. There was one report that the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum was also bombed (or a close hit).

While the bombs were falling early Saturday the ayatollahs rushed the Iranian Army and the IRGC to every road junction and street corner in Teheran. To keep an eye on the Iranian people and make sure there were no popular uprisings. Shoot to kill. Iranians have also been warned that sharing any videos and photos of the Israeli air attacks will be punishable with a 10 year jail sentence. The ayatollahs are more afraid of their own people than they are about the bombs falling from the sky.



None of Iran's nuclear facilities (map above)  or oil and gas facilities were hit but their air defense systems were taken out.  Iran is now without a substantial portion of air defenses. Until they are repaired or replaced Iranian airspace is wide open for further attacks.  Will Iran retaliate? Not likely. If they retaliate with their 1,000 missile barrage (as stated by them) the Israelis will most likely come back and wipe out those nuclear and oil facilities.

What is more relevant is that there has been no cataclysmic upheaval in the oil markets or in any markets. West Texas crude is below US72 per barrel. Hardly a glitch. 

There is barely a shiver in the Arab countries especially the Gulf countries.  There is not going to be any World War 3. This attack has highlighted the ayatollahs real weight in the Middle East - none. They are actually quite the featherweights, firing fire crackers here and there. Come tomorrow, Monday the world will be back to normal. Here is a 9 minute video that explains the tech behind the attack. You can skip the last two minutes.


Saturday, October 26, 2024

Breaking : Israeli retaliation against Iran has started


The Israeli retaliation against Iran has started less than one hour ago. It is 7:50 am now in KL. The time in Teheran is now 3:21 am Saturday 26 October 2024. 

There is a live streaming going on by Tousi TV here .

This is 10 days before the US presidential elections on November 5th. This really puts the Democrats in a pickle. More updates later.






Friday, October 25, 2024





Today lets look at the word HADITH  as it occurs in the Quran. The word HADITH and its derivatives appear 36 times throughout the Quran. Here is the word count of HADITH throughout the Quran. 


As I have mentioned before, to better understand what a particular arabic word means in the Quran it is best to study all the occurrences of that word throughout the Quran.

I cannot reproduce all the 36 occurrences of the word HADITH here, it is too many. I will reproduce just a few verses from the Quran which mention HADITH and its derivatives. I am using the translation by Abdullah Yusuf Ali.  


1.   Surah 39:23    ٱللَّهُ نَزَّلَ أَحْسَنَ ٱلْحَدِيثِ كِتَـٰبًۭا مُّتَشَـٰبِهًۭا مَّثَانِىَ تَقْشَعِرُّ مِنْهُ جُلُودُ ٱلَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ ثُمَّ تَلِينُ جُلُودُهُمْ وَقُلُوبُهُمْ إِلَىٰ ذِكْرِ ٱللَّهِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ هُدَى ٱللَّهِ يَهْدِى بِهِۦ مَن يَشَآءُ ۚ وَمَن يُضْلِلِ ٱللَّهُ فَمَا لَهُۥ مِنْ هَادٍ ٢٣

39:23  Allah has revealed the most beautiful Message (HADITH) in the form of a Book, consistent with itself,  repeating, the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften to the celebration of Allah's praises. Such is the guidance of Allah: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as Allah leaves to stray, can have none to guide.

2.   Surah 52:34      فَلْيَأْتُوا۟
بِحَدِيثٍۢ مِّثْلِهِۦٓ إِن كَانُوا۟ صَـٰدِقِينَ ٣٤ 

52:34 Let them then produce a recital (HADITH) like unto it - If they speak the truth!


3.  Surah 45:6    تِلْكَ ءَايَـٰتُ ٱللَّهِ نَتْلُوهَا عَلَيْكَ بِٱلْحَقِّ ۖ فَبِأَىِّ حَدِيثٍۭ بَعْدَ ٱللَّهِ وَءَايَـٰتِهِۦ يُؤْمِنُونَ ٦ 

45:6 Such are the Ayat (signs) of Allah, which We rehearse to thee in Truth; then in what exposition (HADITH)  will they believe after Allah and His Ayat (signs)?


4.   Surah  56:81  أَفَبِهَـٰذَا ٱلْحَدِيثِ أَنتُم مُّدْهِنُونَ ٨١ 

56:81  Is it such a Message (HADITH)  that ye would hold in light esteem? 


5.  Surah  68:44     فَذَرْنِى وَمَن يُكَذِّبُ بِهَـٰذَا
ٱلْحَدِيثِ ۖ سَنَسْتَدْرِجُهُم مِّنْ حَيْثُ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ 

68:44 Then leave Me alone with such as  lie about/reject this Message (HADITH): by degrees shall We punish them from directions they perceive not. 


6.   Surah 53:59        أَفَمِنْ هَـٰذَا
ٱلْحَدِيثِ تَعْجَبُونَ ٥٩ 

53:59  Do ye then wonder at this recital (HADITH)


7.   Surah 18:6   فَلَعَلَّكَ بَـٰخِعٌۭ نَّفْسَكَ عَلَىٰٓ ءَاثَـٰرِهِمْ إِن لَّمْ يُؤْمِنُوا۟ بِهَـٰذَا
ٱلْحَدِيثِ أَسَفًا ٦

18:6  Thou wouldst only, perchance, fret thyself to death, following after them, in grief, if they believe not in this Message (HADITH)

You can see that in these SEVEN verses, Abdullah Yusuf Ali translates the same word HADITH as Message, recital and exposition.



This really stupid and satanic idea of spitting into food which has been photographed and even filmed at some local restaurants has to stop yesterday. I hope the relevant restaurant associations will take emergency steps to advise their member restaurants to make sure that this type of stupidity does not happen at all.  It does not matter if it is just one restaurant that did this or if it involved a hundred restaurants, this sick habit has to stop yesterday.  The good reputation of all restaurants has been tarnished.

Recently another case of spitting into food went viral.


In this case above, the DBKL has taken action against the offending restaurant and compounded them. Here is the DBKL's public notification (via Facebook).



I disagree that the DBKL only issue compounds (fines). Maybe they did not have enough evidence for the spitting incident other than that viral video.

If there is enough evidence that they spit into the food, the business license of the offending restaurant should be immediately terminated.     They are endangering public health and human life.

Azlan Adnan's Green Party of Malaysia has also uploaded their latest video discussing this very issue, featuring Imraz Ikhbal (the Voice).  

You can click here to watch the video.

From the obvious public concerns about this practise, it sounds like this spitting into the food is not just a few isolated cases. 

Once again I appeal to the relevant restaurant owners associations to organise a quick emergency meeting and tell all your members to observe the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness at all times in your restaurants.  And do not mix khurafat beliefs with your restaurant businesses. 

Each time you hire a new foreign worker (they are usually lowly educated, almost illiterate and often unbelievably stupid) teach them and train them to forget about any stupid habits they may have been taught in their own countries. Tell them this is Malaysia and if you spit in the food, you can lose your business license.   



Sheikh Hasina the prime minister of Bangladesh was thrown out on 5th August 2024. The jihadist Jamaate Islami party played a major role in overthrowing the prime minister. Students were mobilised to create violent riots and demonstrations on the streets - making all the usual demands for freedoms etc. 

Then suddenly the rioters turned their violence towards the Hindu minority in Bangladesh. Hindu temples were burned down and Hindu people attacked and killed. Suddenly the "revolution" against the oppressive government of Sheikh Hasina became hate violence against the minority Hindus. The jigsaw puzzle does not fit. Or does it?

After Sheikh Hasina was forced to leave Bangladesh, the president of Bangladesh  Mohamad Shahabudin appointed Nobel Prize winner Mohamad Yunus as the interim "leader" of Bangladesh. Pending a new round of general elections. Please bear this in mind closely.

It has since become known that the pro-Pakistan, pro-Muslim Brotherhood Jamaate Islami of Bangladesh had much support from its friends in Pakistan to overthrow the government. Pakistan has since begun supplying tank shells and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGMs) to Bangladesh. Of course tank shells and ATGMs are essential tools to sustain the new ruling regime. 

The Muslim Brotherhood, which is a 100% Egyptian jihadi outfit, released a very curious statement "saluting" the overthrow of the Bangladesh government.

Here is their statement :



"In the context of the Muslim Brotherhood's continuous monitoring of developments in Bangladesh.." ??

Why would the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood want to "continuously monitor developments in Bangladesh" ? What business is it of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to continuously monitor a far away country like Bangladesh? 

Then their statement continues :

the "group" (??) salutes the revolution of the people of Bangladesh which has achieved its first goals by removing Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.."

The "group" (??) looks forward to the people of Bangladesh being able to complete the goals of the revolution . . "

How does the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood know (or even care about) what are  the first goals, second goals or third goals of the "revolution" in Bangladesh? Unless the Muslim Brotherhood was a party to the conspiracy.

Because their really strange media statement continues :  being able to complete the goals of the revolution  !!

How would the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood know how to complete the goals of the revolution  in far away Bangladesh? Again unless they are a party to it.

Well folks, more events are now happening in Bangladesh and it looks like more of the "complete the goals of the revolution"  are taking place, even as you are reading this. 

Just a few days back the following street demonstration took place in Bangladesh. I believe this is part of that  "complete the goals of the revolution"


In the video above the demonstrators are demanding the removal of the same Mohamad Shahabudin the president of Bangladesh  who appointed the new interim regime. So first he appointed them, obviously thinking he was doing a good thing (or maybe they put a gun to his head, who knows) and now they are agitating to have the president removed.

Why? Because President Shahabudin now has serious doubts over how Sheikh Hasina was ousted.

In an interview with Bangla daily Manab Zamin last week, Shahabuddin said he does not have any documentary evidence of Hasina resigning as prime minister before she fled the country in August amidst student-led mass protests. The Anti-discrimination Student Movement, which spearheaded the campaign that led to the ouster of Hasina, rallied in front of the Central Shaheed Minar here, demanding Shahabuddin’s resignation..

In their system, the president officially appoints the prime minister (like our YDP Agong). Imagine if there is a hung parliament in Bangladesh (exactly like what happened here) and the president has to decide who to appoint as the prime minister. Since president Shahabudin now has doubts over the removal of Sheikh Hasina he may have doubts against the Jamaate Islami mullahs as well.  This really sounds like a cheap movie script about Third World politics. 

And here is another newer video (received yesterday).  In this latest video the Bangla mullahs (they usually call them "maulana") are declaring war on India !! They say they will take over Delhi and enslave India !!


The guy is screaming - 'Are you ready for jihad and battle for India? May Allah accept us to rule the world and especially occupy India, amin'.
This is typical Pakistan and Jamaat e Islami Pakistan rhetoric. They have a huge axe to grind against India for liberating Bangladesh from Pakistan in 1971. The ouster of Sheikh Hasina in August together with her pro-India Awami League party is seen as a 'return of Bangladesh back to Pakistan'. I think India will likely be facing "agitations" and  troubles on its eastern frontiers as well (West Bengal, Assam, Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland).

I dont think invading India (or ruling the world) can be part of  the goals of the revolution  in Bangladesh but they usually have more immediate motives for these violent speeches - to collect money and donations from foolish people.  The mullahs know that to make people 'donate willingly' a little hate speech might just do the trick. Remember folks 'No Money No Religion'.   The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood is aware of this as well.

The mullahs have absolutely no ideas about building progressive societies or economic development. Democracy is a hindrance to them.  Elections are not places where they know how to put forward new ideas to the people.   So how are the mullahs going to win elections? They stir up hatreds and prejudices. Hence those inexplicable attacks against the Hindus in Bangladesh. For no good reason. Now this 'lets invade India' speech above.

Folks, Bangladesh is on its way down - again. Newton's Third Law of Motion always applies. Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

There will certainly be the opposing forces in Bangladesh who will also organise themselves and take to the streets too.  The "counter-revolution".  Bangladesh will burn. Sadly they remain sh_thole countries.

An "old picture". Muslim Brotherhood 'parliamentarians' 
invited into our Parliament.


The previous comments by Murray Hunter that Malaysia does not have a foreign policy is to be noted. This has been the situation in Malaysia for some time. 

During Dr Mahathir's time we became anti-west and very pro-South or pro Third World. But one was the result of the other. Because Dr Mahathir was so anti-west and the west began calling him recalcitrant, xenophobic etc Dr M turned his attention to the South. I must say Dr M had some success in organising the countries of the South (those South - South summits, the Langkawi Dialogues etc). 

Dr Mahathir outsmarted the US and hijacked the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Dr Mahathir was not alone. When he spoke the world listened. Or at least the South listened. So our foreign policy had some direction but perhaps it was the personal interest and agenda of Dr Mahathir. After Dr Mahathir stepped down, "sleep apnea" took over. That was the end of that.

Did it really help us? During Dr M's time the Nigerian scammers, the Afghan beggars, the Iranian drug smugglers, the jihadi fundos all discovered Malaysia  as well. Do not forget some of the initial planning for Al Qaeda's 9-11 attacks took place in Kuala Lumpur. 

The latest news is Malaysia is now a partner nation of the BRICs. Not a full fledged member but a partner n'theless. I think the BRICS is good for the world economy, especially for world peace. The BRICS will have a 'dulling effect' on the sabre rattling of the United States and the UK - the two most belligerant nations on the surface of the earth. But be prepared for reaction from the US and the UK. There will be some cost to us. So where are we exactly? Neither here nor there? Also known as "non-aligned".

Now the politicians do not have any policy for anything at all. What is our economic policy? Dont know. Just continue whatever policy there is or never was since the past 50 years. Just bungle along. Someone said GST is good. So they said OK lets do the GST. They almost killed the economy. So they abolished the GST. Then someone said Minimum Wages are good. So they said OK lets do Minimum Wages. RM1,700 salary in Sempoerna? Or Bota Kiri? You are going to shut down the SMEs. Unemployment is increasing and the gophers do not know how to back out of the hole. Their heads are stuck.


You can see the headless chickens from the coalitions they have concocted. Everyone is sleeping with everyone else. Or rather anyone can sleep with anyone, regardless of creed, colors, or even "orientation". 

If the ban against the Communist Party of Malaya were lifted and the CPM won some seats in the elections, let me assure you the CPM will be able to join the ruling coalition at that time. It is almost guaranteed. 'How many seats you got ah? Want to join us ah?'  

Because the politicians have no scruples, they have no ideology, they have no policy initiatives, nothing. They just want power. One fellow will want to be the PM, others will want to be Ministers, MPs etc. Some of the minority races just want to see one of their own in the Cabinet. Ideology? Policy? What is that? 

Geert Wilders should move to Malaysia

Despite winning the Dutch elections right wing politician Geert Wilders (above) was not able to become the prime minister of Holland. Simply because other Dutch parties disagreed with Wilders' right wing policies. So Wilders could not assemble a strong enough coalition. Wilders should just pack his bags and move to Malaysia. 'Geert how many seats you got ah? Want to join us ah?

I am waiting for that Mufti Bill to be tabled for the vote in Parliament. I am quite sure those 55 MPs from Sarawak and Sabah will vote for the Mufti Bill. All their talk about the Malaysia Agreement, the "Malaya policies", the "West Malaysia dominance" etc is just bullshit. They too have no backbone. Like in the Boneless-Chicken Ranch they will flop down anywhere that can absorb their "flexibility". 

This sums it up.

Thursday, October 24, 2024



  • 'Datuk Abdul Rahim Uda, the former chair of the special task force set up by the Home Ministry identified the Toyota Vios, with registration number PFC 1623, as having been seen in Kangar, Perlis, before Amri’s disappearance on November 24, 2016, and in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, shortly before Koh was abducted on February 13, 2017.
  • Notably, the vehicle’s owner, Saiful Bahari Abd Aziz, had worked as a contract employee for the quarters of Bukit Aman’s Special Branch officers from 2006 to 2018, yet authorities have failed to produce him for questioning, noted Abdul Rahim'.
  • Abdul Rahim also pointed to other significant connections, including a meeting between former Special Branch assistant director Datuk Awaluddin Jadid and several police officers, along with Perlis mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, prior to Amri’s disappearance. 
  • Rahim acknowledged that the “scheme of things” suggested possible planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up regarding the disappearances.

OSTB : Jangan gelabah. Mula kita baca berita latest dulu, Malay Mail 23 Okt, 2024



Testifying in the Kuala Lumpur High Court, the former chair of the special task force set up by the Home Ministry Datuk Abdul Rahim Uda emphasised that the untraced owner of a gold-coloured Toyota Vios plays a pivotal role in connecting the two mysterious disappearances of social activist Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh. — Bernama

By Malay Mail
Wednesday, 23 Oct 2024 8:08 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 23 — The ongoing legal proceedings surrounding the disappearances of social activist Amri Che Mat and Pastor Raymond Koh have revealed critical insights into their cases, as highlighted by Datuk Abdul Rahim Uda, the former chair of the special task force set up by the Home Ministry.

Testifying in the Kuala Lumpur High Court, Abdul Rahim emphasised that the untraced owner of a gold-coloured Toyota Vios plays a pivotal role in connecting the two mysterious disappearances, according to a report published in Malaysiakini today.

Abdul Rahim stated that the elements of both cases, when examined collectively, present a “perplexing” and “uncomfortable” narrative.

He reiterated that the task force’s classified report suggested that rogue police officers may have been involved in the incidents but called for the police and the Attorney General’s Chambers (AGC) to delve deeper into the investigations.

(OSTB : I say kawan, please dont simply blame "rogue police officers". Just like in the Altantuya case, policemen do not go around killing people for no reason. Policemen take orders from above. No motive was established why the two policemen would want to kill Altantuya. Either they were given orders from above or they were paid money or both

In this case of the disappearance of Amri Che Mat and Pastor Koh, since it is most likely that the Special Branch was involved, it is obvious that they received orders from above. Orders from whom?)

During the hearing of Koh’s family lawsuit against the police and the federal government, Abdul Rahim identified the Toyota Vios, with registration number PFC 1623, as having been seen in Kangar, Perlis, before Amri’s disappearance on November 24, 2016, and in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, shortly before Koh was abducted on February 13, 2017.

Notably, the vehicle’s owner, Saiful Bahari Abd Aziz, had worked as a contract employee for the quarters of Bukit Aman’s Special Branch officers from 2006 to 2018, yet authorities have failed to produce him for questioning, noted Abdul Rahim.

Abdul Rahim also pointed to other significant connections, including a meeting between former Special Branch assistant director Datuk Awaluddin Jadid and several police officers, along with Perlis mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, prior to Amri’s disappearance.

Furthermore, he mentioned the meeting between Special Branch officer Shamzaini Daud and Norhayati Ariffin, Amri’s wife.

In response to questions from Koh’s family counsel, Steven Thiru, Rahim acknowledged that the “scheme of things” suggested possible planning, execution, and subsequent cover-up regarding the disappearances.

“All these things point to very uncomfortable findings which we (the task force) feel the authorities need to look into,” Abdul Rahim stated in court.

While the task force did not uncover direct evidence linking the enforced disappearances of Amri and Koh to government involvement, Abdul Rahim asserted that the circumstantial evidence warrants further investigation.

The trial is set to resume on January 7 next year.

Koh’s family is pursuing legal action to compel the police and government to disclose the whereabouts of the 68-year-old pastor.

In 2019, the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) concluded that both Amri and Koh were victims of enforced disappearance, implicating members of the Special Branch from Bukit Aman.

Amri was last seen leaving his home in Kangar, Perlis, while CCTV footage captured Koh’s abduction in broad daylight as he made his way to a friend’s house in Petaling Jaya.

Following Suhakam’s findings, Koh’s wife, Susanna Liew, 67, filed a civil suit against the police and the government.

Meanwhile, Amri’s wife, Norhayati, 51, has initiated a separate lawsuit aimed at compelling authorities to reveal her husband’s fate, drawing on the same special task force report related to her husband’s disappearance when he was 43 years old.

My Comments :

Now lets look at the following statement in Court by Datuk Abdul Rahim Uda the  former chair of the special task force set up by the Home Ministry :

Abdul Rahim also pointed to other significant connections, including a meeting between former Special Branch assistant director Datuk Awaluddin Jadid and several police officers, along with Perlis mufti Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, prior to Amri’s disappearance.

OSTB : This was the famous meeting at the office of the Mufti of Perlis, between the Special Branch, particularly this fellow Awaluddin Jadid and the Mufti of Perlis which took place in October 2016. 

Here is some old news from 2018 :

1.  Ex-SB officer unaware of classified report on missing Perlis activist
'Courtesy call’
Earlier today, Awaludin Jadid told the court that he and several officers under his charge visited Asri at the latter’s office sometime in October 2016.
He said the “courtesy call” was to explain matters relating to security in the state to the Perlis mufti.
“We were concerned about terrorism (matters) because it is the border state with Thailand. If we do not curb ‘extremism’, it will turn into terrorism,” said Awaludin.
Surendra: Have you done any other courtesy calls to muftis from other states?
Awaludin: No.


2.   Lawyer grills former Special Branch chief on 'courtesy call' to Perlis Mufti
FORMER Special Branch Commissioner Awaluddin Jadid was put in a spot today when he could not explain to the Suhakam inquiry his visit to the Perlis Mufti’s office.
The former special branch officer told the inquiry on Tuesday that his visit was a courtesy call to the mufti Dr Mohd Asri Zainal Abidin.
Amri’s family lawyer Nizam Bashir questioned Awaluddin today about his testimony during the inquiry on Tuesday about the meeting.
“If it was a courtesy call, why was there a Powerpoint slide presentation and folders prepared by your division for the meeting?” he asked.
Nizam then showed a picture of a Powerpoint slide and Amri’s house.
However, despite being asked repeatedly, Awaluddin maintained it was a courtesy call and not a briefing on Amri’s activities in Perlis.
“I was there to talk about Shia activities in the state. During the meeting Amri’s name was mentioned,” he said.
Suhakam is conducting a public inquiry into the disappearance of Amri, Pastor Raymond Koh, Pastor Joshua Hilmy and Joshua’s wife, Ruth, to ascertain if they are cases of enforced disappearance. – July 5, 2018.

OSTB : Before I forget just a few points. 

1. This meeting in Perlis took place in October 2016. The next month (Nov 24, 2016) Amri Che Mat disappeared in Perlis.

2.  The lawyer Surendran asked Awaluddin Jadid if the Special Branch had made any courtesy calls to any other States (Kedah, Perak and Kelantan) which also have borders with Thailand.  The answer by Awaluddin Jadid was no.   

Why not? The land border between Malaysia and Thailand is 658 kilometers long of which less than 80 kilometers is with Perlis.  Over 570 km of our border with Thailand is with Kedah, Perak and Kelantan and yet Awaluddin Jadid did not pay any 'courtesy visit' to any Pejabat Mufti in these other States to discuss security matters wrt 'extremism' and Thailand.

3. Why did Awaludin Jadid  explain matters to the Perlis mufti ?  From the time we were fighting the communists, every State in Malaysia used to have a state security committee chaired by the Menteri Besar. The Police would periodically brief the Menteri Besar and the state security committees relating to security matters in the State.  So why did Awaludin Jadid brief the Perlis Mufti in matters relating to security in the state ? What is the connection? The Mufti is not a policeman.

4. And why were there NO MORE MEETINGS relating to security in the state  between the Special Branch and the Mufti of Perlis other than that one meeting held in October 2016? 

Were all those extremism matters in Perlis solved after October 2016? Or after November 2016? After October or November 2016 there were no more extremism matters threatening Perlis?  Meeting satu kali saja bulan Oktober semua extremism problems di Perlis solved ke?  Amri hilang bulan November.


The disappearances happened in 2016 (Amri Che Mat) and 2017 (Pastor Koh). Dont forget Pastor Hilmy and his wife Ruth Sitepu who also disappeared in November 2016. 

"a missing person can be declared legally dead after seven years in some countries, including Malaysia, the US, and the UK.      Malaysia -   A person can be presumed dead if they have not been heard from in seven years by those who would normally have heard from them. This is based on Section 108 of the Evidence Act of 1950".

  • It is already more than SEVEN YEARS since these people disappeared. 
  • They can and should be pronounced DEAD by a Court of Law. 
  • Plus the obvious foul play involved this should now be classified as MURDER.
  • Their cases should be reclassified as MURDER. 
  • In this case SERIAL MURDER because at least FOUR PEOPLE disappeared.
  • Namely Amri Che Mat, Pastor Koh, Helmy and Ruth Sitepu.

How exactly were they murdered, who actually killed them, what happened to their bodies?  No matter how many years it takes these cases will not rest until all these questions are answered.

Now I have some advise to the Policemen, the Unit Tindakan Khas, the Special Branch, the Civil Servants. Listen carefully. 

When Bossku was prime minister he ordered the Civil Servants to do his bidding. Of course Bossku went to jail for corruption. The KSN (Ketua Setiausaha Negara) at that time was under a lot of pressure from Bossku to do this and that. The KSN was under so much pressure that he once visited a certain Tun (not Tun Mahathir) asking for advice if he would go to jail for obeying instructions (ikut arahan). Not long after that, the poor guy retired. Then he got sick and died overseas (Inna lillah). 

Before 2018 few believed that the Barisan Nasional and UMNO would ever lose political power. They were terribly wrong. Now SIX YEARS later we have changed prime ministers FIVE times. There will be another change in prime minister latest by 2027. Each time there is a new prime minister, he will go and korek the lubang cacing of the corrupted and the crooks who were in power before him. They will be dragged to Court and to jail. We are seeing this happening now. It will happen again.

So to the Policemen, the Unit Tindakan Khas, the Special Branch, the Civil Servants think carefully before you decide to obey instructions from the politicians to do things that will get you in trouble. If you break the law on behalf of the politicians, you will go to jail, you can be sentenced to death, you will lose sleep at night. Tak boleh tidur malam. The politicians dont care about you. The politicians are kaya raya. They have stolen millions and billions of Ringgit. They and their families will live happily ever after. It is you who will carry the burden of all the 'ikut arahan' that they told you to do. Jangan jadi bodoh.  The politicians dont care about you.

More than 20 years ago, Hadi Awang said in a speech somewhere that in Malaysia "agama telah dijabatankan". This is a correct observation. 

Lebih elok bagi mufti, kadi dsbnya duduk dalam masjid dan surau sahaja. Tak payah dijabatankan pejabat mufti, pejabat kadi dsbnya, dengan peruntukan berjuta Ringgit atau billion Ringgit. 

Tukang baca doa elok baca doa, imam sembahyang elok imam sembahyang saja. Kalau awak bagi dia 'jabatan' pula, dengan duit yang banyak lagi, tambah dengan kuasa enforcement, tambah dengan kuasa tangkap orang, dengan kuasa tuduh orang dsbnya kepala dia akan jadi kekok. Dia boleh jadi confused. 

Why? Kenapa? 

Sebab training dia untuk tahu sembahyang, tahu baca doa, tahu sembahyang jenazah, tahu jadi imam khutbah Jumaat, tahu jadi imam terawih, tahu nikah orang dsbnya. That is their training. Dan memang tidak boleh dinafikan kepakaran mereka dalam hal ini sangat diperlukan oleh masyarakat. That is their job. Jangan lebih dari itu.

Tetapi if you give them more power they can become crazy-kuasa. They are not trained to handle other responsibilities. Contohnya security matters relating to extremism in the State.  That is the job of the police, the security experts and the professionals.

Akhir sekali apabila terjadi masalah besar mereka tidak mempunyai kepakaran untuk perbetulkan apa pun.  

Kenapa sering berlaku perkara pelik melibatkan puak-puak agama? Macam-macam berlaku contohnya ostard liwat, ostard paksa wanita kahwin cerai, terdapat tarekat dan fahaman sesat, guna agama untuk menipu orang dan pelbagai masalah lagi. Kenapa semua ini berlaku? Sebab puak-puak agama sendiri, yang berkokok bahawa merekalah pakar dalam agama sebenarnya pakar habuk saja. Mereka semua sudah fail. Mereka telah gagal.  Puak agama itu mewakili failure atau kegagalan.

Lebai politik sudah gagal dengan begitu teruk dan dangkal sekali. Di negeri dia dia bekalkan air kotor warna hitam kepada orang.  

Anak Islam tidak terlepas dadah, jenayah, berzina, buang bayi, ibu tunggal, cerai-berai, bapa tinggalkan bini, ibu tinggalkan anak pada kadar yang melebihi orang bukan Islam. 

Jadi di mana pengaruh puak agama untuk bantu umat Islam atasi pelbagai masalah ini? Yilek. Apa sudah jadi kepakaran puak-puak agama? Tidak ada pun. Mereka diberi jawatan, mereka control sekolah, mereka control kebudayaan, control acara sukan, semua dia control. Mereka diberi belanjawan yang besar tetapi orang Islam masih dalam keadaan yang makin teruk. Belum sebut lagi tabiat golongan elit dan kaya yang songlap duit rakyat, rasuah. Mereka pun Islam juga. Puak agama tidak boleh perbetulkan songlap dan rasuah kaum elit pun. Sebaliknya puak agama sering berpaut kepada puak elit untuk tumpang sedikit "rezeki" mereka. 

Tukang baca doa elok baca doa, imam sembahyang elok imam sembahyang saja.

Alamak Putin Pula Kena Liw@t !


The BRICS Summit in Kazan, Russia is concluding. 
It was attended by 38 countries.
Our local Janggo did not attend.

First you must watch this 21 second video here .

I dont play anymore videos, post photos or even mention the name of backdoor in this blog anymore. H@r@m.

Here is Murray Hunter (adapted, edited) :

The Kazan BRICS Summit
 personally thanked Putin for invitation to join BRICS Summit
this was a clear message Malaysia was pivoting towards BRICS  
Sept 5 announcement by Malaysia to seek membership of BRICS 
well publicised that Malaysia was seeking BRICS membership
Bernama stated Malaysia prioritised for BRICS membership

Russia Today on Oct 3, clearly indicated M'sia not seeking BRICS membership 

(OSTB : And Janggo did not attend BRICS at Kazan).
Saudi FM, Vietnam PM, Erdogan of Turkey, President of Iran, PM of Ethiopia, Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas, leaders of 24 other nations at BRICS summit.
Discussions at BRICS over new members. Malaysia not present.
Malaysia’s foreign policy appears to be driven by (what?)
two FMs since the fellow became PM 
Zambry messed up, replaced by Mat Hasan, after heavy public criticisms  
different reactions towards assassination of Ismail Haniyeh
compared to low key reaction towards assassination of Yahya Sinwar
Even though Palestinian Authority has official embassy in KL
gomen's efforts focused upon Hamas - affiliate of the Muslim Brotherhood
(OSTB :   "The Islamic Resistance Movement's Relation With the Moslem Brotherhood,  Article Two: The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine. Moslem Brotherhood Movement is a universal organization which constitutes the largest Islamic movement in modern times. 
and "no reaction" towards the killing of Shia Hassan Nasrallah. Dont know what kind of foreign policy we have. )
foreign policy, particularly numerous overseas trips are aimed at domestic consumption than actual long-term policy. 
foreign policy will continue to be ad hoc than ideologically based
Malaysia Ops Hadir conducted between Research Division and CIA
Malaysia’s continued cooperation with US intelligence.

(OSTB : Ideology you say? Err the national ideology is a fusion of confusion and delusions. My imaginary, pet flying unicorn is better than your imaginary, pet flying unicorn. thats about it).