Monday, September 16, 2024








Here are two Malaysia Day messages. 

1. The first one is a short quip from Norman Fernandez.

  • To each *Selamat Hari Malaysia* felicitation I received, my response has been *Selamatkan Malaysia*. 
  • There will be no Hari Malaysia in the future, if we do not first save Malaysia. 
  • That matters more today.
  • *Selamatkan Malaysia*
  • [norman fernandez]



2. The next message is from my friend Sam The CEO. Sam is a Malay.  He is a graduate engineer from the USA.  Asal orang Kedah.


Do You want to Save Malaysia? 


This I shall call - Non Malay Breeding Policy

I have a sure-fire solution that will succeed in less than 20 years. 

The secret - non Malays become the majority or at the very least the swing vote. Why?

1. The non Malays are the only population that teaches their children maths, science and English as priorities and discard religious education as wasteful. This is fundamental to being a productive member of society and therefore is also influential. Vote with your money.

2. They are the segment of our population that does real commerce without government bail-outs. Therefore they will be the saviour of the economy and (with their majority vote) hold the government to ransom if government is corrupt and incompetent. Kick them out of office. All of them.

3. Be the majority voters in Malaysia. Spread out all over the map. Everywhere and anywhere so that the politicians cannot do gerry-meandering. Be the deciding, if not the majority vote. Take over the reins of Malaysia.

4. Do not be vindictive. Be fair. Install merit based governance and a scientific based education system. Kick out all the corrupt. Install NEACP - National Economic & Anti-Corruption Policy. Kick out anyone involved in corruption - Malays or non Malays. Close down GLCs and break up all monopolies.

Forget all these political parties of today. Build a multi racial, secular, merit based, party system. Drain the Swamp.

ps. the Malays will not be able to afford big families already as our nation is 70% urban today. The non Malays can afford to have more kids and must be more productive at increasing the birth rate. Take control of the Nation. In any case, making babies can be fun.  

The non-Malay population is close to 50% of the population when you include the non-Malay bumiputras of Sabah and Sarawak. That is why they rarely speak about Malay population but instead 'bumiputra population'. Non-Malays you have an opportunity to have a strong influence on our future if only you knew how.

If you guys can do this - come and see me and I will run for PM. 😊

Thank You. Sam.

May we create a blessed Malaysia!

My Comments : 

I have posted in this blog before that the non-Malays have no choice but to become more efficient and productive. The non-Malays must take up the slack. When others are failing and falling down so miserably it is not the time to step back. Now is the time for the non-Malays to step forward and work harder and contribute more to make the country a success. 

Sam is going a step further. He suggests that non-Malays have more children and become the majority at the polling booth. Effect change through the ballot box. 

I have said before that the National Census that is conducted every five years (it is in the Federal Constituion) is highly inaccurate.

The Indian population is allegedly shrinking with absolute numbers (which have been reported) of around 1.7 million to 1.8 million. In the 1980s the Indians used to be more than 2.0 million people. The Indian population can shrink as a percentage of the total population but why would their absolute numbers shrink to below 2.0 million?  There was no outbreak of any Indian viruses which saw 200,000 Indians disappear.  

There is a saying "when they start believing their own lies". They are so good at telling lies that even they themselves believe their own lies as true.

Chegubard said recently that the indigenous Malay population is about 50.1 percent of the population. I think he did not include the bumiputras of Sarawak and Sabah.

The Muslim population of Sarawak is about 25% or slightly less. 75% is either Christian, indigenous faiths or Taoists / Buddhists. Sarawak is the only Christian majority state in Malaysia.  












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There has been another assassination attempt against President Donald Trump in his golf course in Florida. Here is the news.



Trump safe after new assassination attempt, suspect arrested

    Shots fired near Trump's golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida
    Gunman dropped his rifle, two backpacks and fled in a car
    Suspect apprehended by sheriff's deputies on I-95, no motive given
    Biden and Harris briefed, not relieved Trump is safe

Sept 15 (Reuters) - Trump safe Sun after foiled assassination attempt golfing  
agents spotted and fired on gunman in bushes near golf course
a few hundred yards from where Trump was playing
suspect left assault rifle and fled in a vehicle but was arrested
suspect is Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Hawaii
  • Routh avid supporter of Ukraine 
  • he helped recruit mercenaries for Ukraine's war effort
  • agents saw rifle barrel poking out from bushes 400 to 500 yards from Trump 
  • agents engaged gunman, firing at least four rounds around 1:30 p.m. 
  • gunman dropped rifle, left behind two backpacks and fled in black Nissan 
  • witness saw gunman, took photos of car and license plate 
  • Trump sent an email to supporters "I AM SAFE AND WELL!" 

My Comments :

I believe there will be even more assassination attempts against Trump, even after he wins the November elections.

Trumps popularity is surging ahead of Kamala Harris. The latest CNN poll (CNN is anti-Trump) referred by CNN's Fareed Zakaria yesterday shows Trump leading Kamala Harris by 12 points.

I think there will be no more looking back for Donald Trump. 

I believe the assassination attempts will also not stop. They may quit the subtle tactics. They might just drop the entire White House 'on his ass'.

The future of the world is at stake here. Trump wants to make America great again by competing in the open market. By fighting on their feet. May the best man win.

The crooks just want to steal money - American taxpayers money. For example by "giving" weapons to Ukraine, paid for by the American taxpayer.


                                        "they dropped the whole building on his ass"


Sunday, September 15, 2024

Ostard main b*nt*t merumitkan Islamofobia. Patut persiapkan pelajar tahfiz tidak menjadi mangsa.


mahu golongan pelajar huffaz dipersiapkan dengan ajaran Islam yang sebenar bagi 

berdepan kelompok Islamofobia dan pihak yang menanam kebencian menerusi Islam di negara ini.

hal ini kerana agama Islam di negara ini berada dalam persimpangan disebabkan kelompok itu yang mencemarkan kesuciannya.

“Kita faham hak bukan Islam tetapi jangan dia bawa fahaman barat Islamofobia, tak boleh sebut pasal Islam. Jadi, kita harus berdepan pihak ini,” katanya.

My Comments :

Kita lihat sendiri "pelarian Islam" dari seluruh dunia yang lari ke Malaysia. 

Arab Islam Syria menjadi pengemis di tepi jalan di Kuala Lumpur. Sebab negara mereka hancur sebab mereka suka bunuh membunuh sesama sendiri. Islam sama Islam fobia gila babi.

Pelarian "Hamas" menjadikan Ampang dan Pantai Dalam (antara tempat lain) kawasan tumpuan mereka. Kenapa mereka lari ke sini? Sebab tidak ada negara Arab yang lain yang membenarkan Hamas masuk negara mereka pula. Jordan, Mesir, Lebanon (kubu kuat Hezbollah yang kononnya memperjuangkan Palestin!!), Arab Saudi (penjaga al Haramain Mekah dan Madinah) tidak membenarkan Hamas dan Arab Gaza masuk negara mereka. Arab sendiri tidak percaya Arab lain. Arab sendiri fobia kepada Arab lain.

Beribu pelarian Iran lari ke Malaysia. Mereka mengalami sakit kronik ayatollah-fobia. Mereka fobia kepada agama mereka sendiri.

Ramai Afghanistan juga pernah lari ke Malaysia. Negara 'Daulah Islamiyah' mereka terjebak perang saudara atau civil war sejak berpuluh tahun. Islam fobia kepada Islam di Afghanistan.

Begitu juga Islam Rohingya, Pakistan, Chechnya semuanya menghadapi pelbagai masalah fobia yang tidak terpisah daripada fahaman agama mereka.

Lepas itu tiba pula puak gila babi ISIS di Timur Tengah yang pancung kepala, potong tangan dan kerat badan orang mereka sendiri. Bagi mereka 'religion of peace' menjadi 'religion of pieces' pula. Mereka membuat video kerat kepala orang dan siarkan gila babi mereka itu ke seluruh dunia.  Islam jenama ISIS fobia kepada Islam jenama bukan ISIS.

Dan apabila pelarian-pelarian negara Islam tiba di negara kita yang cantik, aman dan selesa ini mereka menimbulkan pelbagai masalah bagi kita pula.

Ramai Rohingya terlibat kes bunuh sesama mereka di Malaysia, pelarian Iran jadi drug smuggler, mamak India yang digelar "terrorist mentor" menimbulkan pelbagai kontroversi, peniaga Pakistan pernah tumbuk orang di kedai mereka di Nilai, pendakwah pak Arab menimbulkan kontroversi dan macam-macam lagi.

Jadi apabila orang bukan Islam di Barat, Timur, Utara, Selatan, Timur Laut, Barat Laut, Timur Daya dan Barat Daya memerhatikan pelbagai masalah pelbagai golongan orang Islam di seluruh dunia rasa-rasa mereka akan rasa selamat dan konfiden dengan orang Islam atau mereka lebih khuatiri dan takuti orang Islam?

Di negara kita pula kita melihat kontroversi bodoh stokin bertulis entah apa. Akhir sekali kes itu dibuang mahkamah. Maksudnya tidak ada kes. Yang latest pula isu restoran no alchohol.  Kedua kes ini cuba menunjuk jari dan cuba melibatkan bukan Islam.

Tetapi yang lebih mengejutkan orang bukan Islam (sebab ramai orang Islam diam sahaja, seribu bisu) adalah pembongkaran kes liwat dan cabul melibatkan ostard pusat jagaan anak 'Islam' yang disyaki cabul atau meliwat 402 anak-anak Melayu Islam.  

Bila ostard boleh cabul atau liwat anak-anak Islam mereka sendiri (dan reaksi serta tindak balas masyarakat Islam pula lembap dan lembik), habis macam mana pula orang bukan Islam boleh pandang tinggi dan hormat kepada Islam? 

Anyway saya nak bagi senang cakap sajalah. Untuk persiapan pelajar tahfiz tidak menjadi mangsa liwat dan rogol saya cadangkan kanak-kanak tahfiz pakai seluar chastity belt. Chastity belt maksudnya cawat besi. Boleh selamatkan keadaan.

Kanak-Kanak Di Dera, Di Cabul Bakal Menjadi Dewasa Terencat, Miskin Dan Bermasalah.


The following is a lengthy Press Release by three doctors associations, of largely Malay Muslim doctors. This is truncated. May I suggest they release a copy in Malay as well.

14 September 2024
For Immediate Release

The Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (IMAM), Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA) and the Asia Pacific Pediatric Association (APPA) is deeply concerned and absolutely appalled with the recent reports in the media highlighting alarming instances of child abuse and exploitation across the country.

The lackadaisical approach of the government ministries and agencies entrusted with the universal protection and care of our childen is utterly disheartening and disappointing.

As advocates for the rights, welfare and wellbeing of children, we strongly condemn in no uncertain terms, all forms of physical, sexual and mental abuse and explotation of children, which has unequivocally been shown to have devastating long-term psychological effects on children and in many instances are permanent and irrevocable.

Much has been researched on the long term consequences of child abuse and neglect on the social, behavioral, and mental health problems among young adults.

Less has been researched of these children who have histories of childhood abuse and neglect, and who also suffer from long term sequelae of economic distress. As adults, they are detrimentally handicapped in terms of their education, employment, occupation, earnings, and assets.

Like the 21.2% of our children who are nutritionally stunted, these historically abused children, are significant costs in terms of future workforce economic productivity, with a knock on effect on the GDP of the nation.

The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.


Dr Musa Mohd Nordin
Past-President, Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (IMAM)

Dr Mohamad Ikram Ilias
President, Malaysian Paediatric Association (MPA)

Dr Zulkifli Ismail
Secretary General, Asia Pacific Pediatric Associations (APPA)


My Comments : Morality is not a commodity that is found in any quantity in this country. Ours is not a moral country. If this society had strong moral values or any moral values we would not be facing so many predicaments. 

Unfortunately morality is not the same across the various groups that we have in this country. There have been changes in the moral equilibrium in our society over the past 50 years or so. 

Some communities have changed and become "better".  Perhaps with better education and better economic status. As the late Mr Nelson Mandela said, the worse oppression and cruelty inflicted on the human race is the slavery of poverty. Poverty does bring out the worst in the human being. Remove the poverty and you build a better society.

Then there are also some communities who were alright before. They appeared to have better moral and social values in the past.  But over the years they have become more immoral and almost totally lacking in empathy. Lacking in empathy meaning they have lost the  ability to understand and share the feelings of other human beings around them. 

They can develop almost inhuman hatreds towards their own people, even their own families. Imagine their hatreds towards  people of other races, languages and religions.

This condition has worsened over the years. It is most likely that the arrival of other more recent influences has made them worse. More recent influences like overzealous religion has made people lose their morality. 

  • The moral values of all religions are highly debateable, especially by other religions.
  • What is considered "good" by one religion can be plainly evil and satanic to another religion.  
  • It is highly debateable if religion has any good moral values at all.
  • Plus it is an absolute, certain, fully established fact that so called "religious societies" have no better morals than the next society of another religions or no religion. Too often the religious societies are much more immoral than societies that have less or no religion.

My personal view : What is considered "good" by religion is too often plainly evil and satanic. 

  • No 1 top of the list is 'belief without proofs'. 
  • No 2 is actually more satanic 'you must believe what I believe'.

What we need are science based values. As the Muslim doctors have said above : physical, sexual and mental abuse and explotation of children, which has unequivocally been shown to have devastating long-term psychological effects on children and in many instances are permanent and irrevocable

"which has unequivocally been shown"   implying there is empirical data. They have the facts, figures and the numbers of cases to prove this as true.

This can be scientifically established. Hence we need to teach the society that any form of abuse of children - physical, sexual, psychological abuse - will have long term and permanent consequences.

Abused kids will likely grow up to become adults with no empathy for the human being. Since they themselves suffered abuse they will not hesitate to heap abuse onto others. It is a vicious cycle. 

Friday, September 13, 2024



This is very brief. Non Muslims can read this. Here is Surah 9:126 from the Quran.

Do they not see that they are reminded (made to think) every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they take heed?

OSTB : Reminded of what? It does not say exactly.  But obviously about things that are not right. But we will be reminded. Then we do not fix the problem. We do not grab the moment. 'they do not repent nor do they take heed'. 

Another chance is wasted. Then the year end comes, and the accounts have to be closed for the year. The year's foolishness now goes into the permanent record. 

Wait for the next reminder. This time grab the opportunity to fix the problem. What problem? It does not say. But you should know.