Friday, September 13, 2024



This is very brief. Non Muslims can read this. Here is Surah 9:126 from the Quran.

Do they not see that they are reminded (made to think) every year once or twice but then they do not repent nor do they take heed?

OSTB : Reminded of what? It does not say exactly.  But obviously about things that are not right. But we will be reminded. Then we do not fix the problem. We do not grab the moment. 'they do not repent nor do they take heed'. 

Another chance is wasted. Then the year end comes, and the accounts have to be closed for the year. The year's foolishness now goes into the permanent record. 

Wait for the next reminder. This time grab the opportunity to fix the problem. What problem? It does not say. But you should know.