Wednesday, October 23, 2024




Singapore, which cherishes its image as the most economically advanced state in Southeast Asia and the home of an expanding number of multinationals and media outlets fleeing a growing Chinese crackdown in Hong Kong – including the Wall Street Journal, the US’s most prestigious business and financial publication – has become the international focus of embarrassing charges of political repression after top opposition figures have fled the city-state to apply for asylum or shelter overseas.

They include Lee Hsien Yang, the second son of Singapore’s founding prime minister, who has been granted political asylum in the UK; former Reform Party Chairman and lawyer Charles Yeo Yao Hui, who fled Singapore in 2022 and has applied for UK asylum;, and Kenneth A. Jeyaretnam, the current leader of the Reform Party, who is recovering from serious illness in the UK and has been told he is in danger of being branded an “absconder” from justice under Singapore’s controversial fake news law. Pritam Singh, 48, chairman of the Workers Party, has been on trial for a week in Singapore on allegations that he gave false evidence testimony during parliamentary committee hearings in 2021 that could cost him his position as official opposition leader.

In each case, the government has said it has had ample reason for its actions and that the charges are merited. A long list of rights organizations including Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International, however, have condemned Singapore’s use of the law to curtail political activity…


My Comments : Its a Chinese triad society.  Its the taikor system. Mr Lee Kuan Yew said it exactly and precisely in his memoirs 'the Chinese people are easy to govern'. You just frighten them and they toe the line.

In Thailand you threaten the Thais, they will chase you out of their country. 'Thai' means "freedom".

On 11 May 1949, an official proclamation changed the name of the country to “Prathet Thai”, or Thailand. The word “Thai” means “free”, and therefore, “Thailand” means “Land of the Free".

In Indonesia you threaten the Indonesians they will also chase you out of the country. In Bali their international airport is named after Colonel Gusti Ngurah Rai from the island of Bali. Ngurah Rai was a war hero who was the first Indonesian military commander who began fighting the Dutch during the Indonesian War of Independence in 1946. Ngurah Rai was killed during the famous Battle of Margarana in Bali in November 1946.

Colonel Gusti Ngurah Rai (30 January 1917 – 20 November 1946) was an Indonesian National Hero from Bali who commanded Indonesian forces in Bali against the Dutch

There are no Ngurah Rais in Singapore.

To compensate the Singapore gomen must deliver more to the people of Singapore for less and less. Make the peoples' lives easier lah. If you cannot understand that then you can shove your Harvard and Cambridge diplomas up your kazoo.