Thursday, October 10, 2024

Apabila Perisik Barat Membela Mullah, Maulana Dan Ayatollah


Sedikit sejarah permainan politik dan perisikan Barat (secret services) di negara Islam.

1. MI6 Britain Dan Revolusi Ayatollah di Iran

Apabila revolusi ayatollah berlaku di Iran pada tahun 1979, Britain menjadi antara negara yang paling awal mengiktiraf kerajaan ayatollah di Iran. Dan Britain telah menjadi kawan baik dan penyokong setia kerajaan ayatollah untuk satu masa yang lama juga.

  • Britain dropped its support for the Shah before the 1979 revolution
  • seeking to ingratiate itself with Ayatollah Khomeini. 
  • Britain sold arms to Khomeini, even brutally conniving with Iran
  • British relations with Islamic Iran were not always antagonistic

Apabila Shah Iran sudah tidak lagi berbaloi bagi menjaga kepentingan British dan puak ayatollah makin popular di Iran maka British tongsampahkan Shah Iran untuk diganti oleh puak mullah dan ayatollah. 

Tetapi 26 tahun sebelum itu, pada tahun 1953 perisik MI6 British telah menjalankan Operation Boot untuk menumbangkan kerajaan demokratik Mohamed Mossadegh di Iran untuk diganti oleh Shah Iran. Pada tahun 1953, Shah Iran pula pernah menjadi boneka British.

  • British support for the Shah
  • Shah was put in power in 1953 in a covert operation by MI6 (London)
  • removing Iranian leader Mohammad Mosaddegh
  • “Our policy was to get rid of Mosaddegh as soon as possible” 

Apa yang tidak diketahui ramai ialah sebelum Mohammed Mosaddegh dijatuhkan pada tahun 1953, perisik MI6 British telah lama mengupah puak mullah dan ayatollah Iran untuk bantu British merampas kuasa.

  • A little known aspect of the 1953 coup is British plotting with Ayatollah Sayyed Kashani, a predecessor of Khomeini. 
  • Ayatollah Kashani helped pay money for mobs that rioted against Mosaddegh 
  • in collaboration with MI6, which had bribed army, police, politicians and media
  • “These forces,” explained MI6 officer Christopher Woodhouse, who ran the UK end of the operation, “were to seize control of Tehran, preferably with the support of the Shah but if necessary without it, and to arrest [Mosaddegh] and his ministers.”

Jadi pada tahun 1953 British telah bersubahat, membayar duit dan membekalkan peralatan senjata kepada puak mullah dan ayatollah di Iran untuk jatuhkan kerajaan Mossadegh untuk diganti dengan kerajaan boneka Shah Iran.

Revolusi di Iran pada tahun 1953, revolusi 1979 semuanya diatur oleh perisik British, dengan bantuan puak mullah dan ayatollah.

Maka tidak hairanlah apabila Margaret Thatcher, perdana menteri Britain (1979 - 1990), dipercayai telah membuat satu kenyataan 'If they want an ayatollah we will give them an ayatollah'.

Walaupun Shah Iran menjadi tidak popular sewaktu pemerintahannya tetapi Shah Iran telah bangunkan ekonomi Iran dan membawa kemajuan sosial yang pesat bagi masyarakat Iran. Antara sebab puak mullah dan ayatollah tidak suka Shah Iran ialah kerana Shah Iran telah menaikan taraf kaum wanita di Iran dan memberi peluang kaum wanita menceburi semua aspek ekonomi, pendidikan, peluang pekerjaan dan kehidupan di Iran, bersama taraf dengan kaum lelaki. 

Pada tahun 1970an Shah Iran bakal menjadikan Iran negara Islam yang pertama di Timur Tengah yang moden, berteknoloji tinggi dan mampu mencabar dominan Britain, Amerika dan Barat di Timur Tengah.

Maka pada tahun 1979 British telah tumbangkan Shah Iran untuk digantikan dengan puak kolot dan goblok mullah dan ayatollah Iran. Maka rosaklah Iran sampai ke hari ini. Dengan berjuta rakyat Iran terpaksa berhijrah ke negara lain termasuk berpuluh ribu orang Iran yang lari ke Kuala Lumpur.

2. Turki membela puak ISIS

Di negara kita pihak Polis pernah siasat dan tangkap orang yang terlibat ISIS atau menyertai ISIS di Syria. Penyokong ISIS ini 'mencari jalan' menyertai ISIS di Syria dan Iraq melalui Turki.  Ikut laporan media apabila tiba di Turki mereka diuruskan oleh perisik Turki dan dihantar masuk ke Syria.

Turki dan Erdogan telah main game mereka sendiri dengan puak ISIS. Erdogan telah menggunakan ISIS untuk membunuh dan memerangi puak Kurdish yang amat dibenci oleh Erdogan.


3. Israel juga pernah memberi bantuan kepada ISIS.

Apabila berlaku sengketa antara 'khilafah ISIS' dan Syria, Israel telah bermain game mereka sendiri untuk menjaga kepentingan Israel. Syria masih bermusuh ketat dengan Israel. Maka Israel mainkan antara ISIS dan pemerintahan Assad di Syria.

Yang berikut adalah berita tahun 2014:

Walaupun disebut '
moderate Syrian rebels' tetapi sebenarnya termasuk pejuang ISIS dan Al Qaeda yang diberi rawatan di hospital tentera Israel (seperti gambar di atas).

Exclusive: Israel Is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels
Foreign Policy › 2014/06/11
11 Jun 2014 — ... jihadist groups, such as the al-Nusra Front, an al Qaeda affiliate, and the powerful Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS


4. British 'senangi' pergerakan Tabligh di India (1930an - 1940an)

Pergerakan kemerdekaan India (Indian independence movement) telah bermula di India sejak peristiwa Indian Mutiny pada 1857. Menjelang abad ke-20 pelbagai persatuan dan parti politik sudah mula bergerak di seluruh India yang mendesak kemerdekaan daripada penjajah British. 'The first session of the Indian National Congress was in 1885'

British agak gusar juga dengan pertumbuhan pelbagai persatuan dan pergerakan watan di India yang bakal mengancam kedudukan mereka. Pada tahun 1920an pergerakan Tabligh juga telah muncul di Delhi dan kawasan sekitarnya dan menjadi popular di kalangan orang Islam.  

Pada tahun awal itu falsafah Tabligh India tidak minat bercampur politik dan perkara duniawi. Oleh kerana bilangan penyokong mereka ramai dan makin berkembang di utara India (yang juga menjadi hotspot atau kawasan panas pelbagai pergerakan Indian independence movements) maka British senangi "pengaruh" Tabligh India yang dilihat sebagai 'pacifist' atau tidak mengancam kedudukan British.

Yang berikut ini adalah pandangan beberapa penulis Barat mengenai pergerakan Tabligh:

  • "peaceful and apolitical preaching-to-the-people movement" (Graham E. Fuller)
  • "completely apolitical and law abiding" (Olivier Roy).
  • "an apolitical, quietist movement of internal grassroots missionary renewal" (Barbara D. Metcalf).

Wa akhirul kalam, pihak Barat senantiasa khuatiri kedudukan mereka akan terancam oleh bangsa lain. Jadi perancangan dan dasar mereka semuanya bertujuan untuk pendamkan kemajuan bangsa lain. Antara sebab bagi rasa cemas dan takut orang Barat adalah kepercayaan mereka kepada Malthusian Theory oleh Robert Thomas Malthus (1766 - 1834). Malthusian Theory ini sangat berpengaruh atas pemikiran Barat dan juga menjadi pujian dan bahan rujukan Charles Darwin (theory of evolution by natural selection dalam buku dia bertajuk "On the Origin of Species" pada tahun 1859).

Pendek kata Barat tidak senang bangsa lain mendahului mereka atau mengatasi mereka. Maka mereka menggunakan pelbagai cara untuk membantutkan kemajuan bangsa lain.

Oleh itu mereka tidak senangi pemimpin 'Dunia Ketiga' yang muncul untuk mencabar kedudukan mereka. Satu contoh besar adalah Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad yang telah membangkitkan semangat maju bukan saja di Malaysia tetapi di banyak negeri Dunia Ketiga (Global South).

Tidak boleh dinafikan bahawa Dr Mahathir telah mencetuskan kemajuan yang pesat dan luarbiasa di Malaysia (walaupun orang Melayu masih tertinggal juga). Semangat 'Malaysia Boleh' telah difahami ramai orang lain sehingga Barack Obama pun menggunakan slogan 'Yes we can' (Kita boleh).

Jika semua pemimpin negara Islam berfikiran seperti Dr Mahathir, kemungkinannya besar dunia Islam sudah lama maju dan boleh bersaing dengan Barat.

Tetapi jika pimpinan dunia Islam dikemut oleh puak mullah, ayatollah, taliban dan maulana yang songsang dan kurang inteligen maka kita akan lihatlah keadaan dunia Islam pada hari ini.  Trademark mereka adalah goblok.

Di mana saja atas muka bumi Allah swt ini puak mullah, ayatollah, taliban dan maulana berpengaruh atau berkuasa maka di sanalah Islam binasa, bencana dan hancur.

Dan Barat sangat happy melihat keadaan ini. 


The keroncong Baba Nyonya must be revived. The Baba Nyonyas also have to reach out to the rest of our multi cultural society. 

The first video here is from the International Baba Nyonya Convention 202X, Melaka.


Wednesday, October 9, 2024


Recall I keep repeating that the Middle East is a snake pit. A venomous snake pit. The Arabs and the ayatollahs will sell each other out at the drop of a hat. Or at the drop of a turban. Meaning without any hesitation. They can sell each other out instantly. To save their own backsides.

Well it is happening again. The Hezbollah has sent a clear message via video (see below) that they want a ceasefire in Lebanon. What they did not do (which is creating the earthquakes)  is mention anything about the Hamas in Gaza. They are abandoning Hamas.

On October 8 last year the Hezbollah began shooting rockets into Israel (they have shot over 8,000 rockets so far) because they said they wanted to show solidarity with Hamas. Recall that on October 8th last year the Israelis had not yet begun any ground incursion into Gaza. Full scale operations against Hamas began on 27 October, 2023 - which was 20 days after the Hamas attack against Israel. This means on Oct 8th, the Hezbollah began shooting rockets into Israel unilaterally without prior provocation.

First here is that Naim Qassim fellow, the "Deputy Leader" of Hezbollah who does not want to be appointed the new "leader" of Hezbollah. Why? Because after Hassan Nasrallah was killed, his successor Hashem Safieddine was killed and then Hashim's successor was also killed (all within a few days). So no one wants to be the "official" leader of Hezbollah anymore. The position remains 'vacant'.

Anyway he says point blank that he wants a ceasefire. 
Ini bukan saya cakap tau. 
Ini kepala balut yang cakap.

The ayatollahs in Iran are beginning to panic. 

1. If the ayatollahs in Iran had condoned this double dealing between Hezbollah and Israel, the Israelis will extract their pound of flesh from the ayatollahs. After circumcising the ayatollahs a second time as well. This is a serious embarrassment for the ayatollahs. This will be serious 'eat crow' time for the ayatollahs.

2. If the ayatollahs DID NOT CONDONE this Hezbollah double dealing with Israel it means the Hezbollah are not listening to the ayatollahs anymore. Lebanon has broken free of the ayatollahs. Which is exactly what Israeli PM Netanyahu said yesterday in an open message to the people of Lebanon - that they should break free of the ayatollahs in Iran. This is a serious embarrassment for the ayatollahs. This will be serious 'eat crow' time for the ayatollahs.

  • This will completely destroy any trust that existed between the Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas and the Hezbollah.  
  • This will completely destroy any trust that existed between the Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas and the ayatollahs in Iran.   
  • This can destroy any trust that existed between the Hezbollah and the ayatollahs in Iran.  
  • This will destroy Hezbollah's 'unchallenged position' in Lebanon.

4. That turban fellow in the video above (Naim Qassem) could pay with his life for breaking the "omerta" (the Mafia code of silence) and reaching out to the Israelis so brazenly.

  • The Muslim Brotherhood / Hamas will want to kill him. 
  • The ayatollahs may want to kill him. 
  • Other Hezbollah who disagree may want to kill him.
  • I think his days are numbered.

What about the people of Gaza? 
First they were dragged into this insane escapade. 
Then they suffered the predictable retaliation. 
All their houses and towns were destroyed.

What about the people of Beirut and south Lebanon? 
They too were dragged into this insane escapade. 
Then they too suffered the predictable retaliation. 
All their houses and towns were destroyed. 
South Lebanon is already destroyed. 

They killed 1,200 Jewish people. 
Now they want a ceasefire. 
So what was achieved?

ORANG MELAYU SILA AMBIL MAKLUM. Recall I keep repeating that the Middle East is a snake pit. A venomous snake pit. The Arabs and the ayatollahs will sell each other out at the drop of a hat. Or at the drop of a turban. Meaning without any hesitation. They can sell each other out instantly. To save their own backsides. 
This is exactly what is happening here.

Middle East Awaits Israeli Counterstrike Against Iran.

Well it has not happened yet. 

Israel has killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. Just a few days after that, they killed Nasrallah's successor Hashem Saifeddine (Hashim Saifudin).  Then yesterday Israeli PM Netanyahu has personally confirmed that Israel has also killed Hashem Saifeddine's successor (Syed Amini or something). Three Hezbollah leaders in a row have been assassinated. It has now come to light that Naim Qassim, who was the original Deputy Head of Hezbollah but for some reason was never promoted to replace Hassan Nasrallah, has now quite understandably, resigned from his post.

The ayatollahs have warned that if any Arab countries (Saudi Arabia and Jordan) allow Israeli jets to fly through their airspace to attack Iran then they will retaliate against those Arab countries.

Tehran warns Gulf states: Aiding Israel against Iran will provoke response. An Iranian official told Reuters that "Iran made it clear that any action by a Persian Gulf country against Tehran" would be responded to accordingly.

In April 2024 the Israeli airforce already flew across Arab countries to bomb Iran. Yet the ayatollahs did not retaliate against Saudi Arabia or Jordan.

The ayatollahs are clearly not military strategists. They do not teach Sun Tzu or Clausewitz in mullah school. 

The "bottleneck" that everyone is talking about now is the 3200 km flight distance (two way) from Tel Aviv to Teheran and back. This is too far for any airforce unless they have mid air refueling. Israel has SEVEN air to air refueling tankers (Old Boeing 707s, please see picture).

They did use these tankers during their first counter strike but this second strike may need more fighters. 

It takes about FIVE minutes to refuel a jet mid air and as the picture shows a single tanker can refuel three fighters at a time. Technically SEVEN tankers can refuel 21 jet fighters at a time but there is also the issue of fuel capacity per air tanker. 

The tanker carries about 90 tonnes of fuel while an F15 carries a fuel load of about SIX tonnes ONE WAY. TWO WAY may need up to a maximum of 12 tonnes of fuel. So one air tanker can refuel about SEVEN F15s midair. SEVEN tankers can handle about 49 jet fighters TWO WAY. Will that be sufficient?

However if the ayatollahs attack Saudi Arabia and the Gulf countries it will likely open up Saudi Arabian, Jordanian and Gulf Arab airbases for Israeli aircraft. If the ayatollahs attack the Arab countries, patriotic fervour and public opinion on Arab Street will immediately swing behind their ruling regimes. Allowing Israel to use Arab airbases to strike at Iran will likely not be an issue with the Arab Street anymore. The Israelis will not be constrained by air to air refueling anymore. 

So the ayatollahs are taking a big risk - if they attack the Arab countries, they face the risk of uniting and mobilising all the Arab countries against themselves.

Here is the reality - the ayatollahs have no friends in the Middle East other than belligerent groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, the al Assad regime in Syria which themselves have few or no friends in the Middle East. Plus the ayatollahs have bought and paid for these few "friends" that they have. Militarily they are all unmighty midgets in the Middle East - just like the ayatollahs themselves.

Iran is in no position to fight any type of war now. My earlier estimate of Iran having up to 30,000 missiles needs to be corrected. Indian military analysts say Iran may have 3,000 or so missiles in their arsenal. Which makes the possibility of Hezbollah having 150,000 rockets even more remote. Unless water pipes converted into "point and shoot" firecrackers are also counted. 

The Israelis have other options like long range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles. They have large numbers of saboteurs who have been blowing things up inside Iran for some time. Then there is that super mysterious Israeli submarine force.

The ayatollahs are clearly not military strategists. They do not teach Sun Tzu or Clausewitz* in mullah school. 

*Carl Philipp Gottfried von Clausewitz was a Prussian general and military theorist who stressed the "moral" and political aspects of waging war. His most notable work, Vom Kriege, though unfinished at his death, is considered a seminal treatise on military strategy and science. Wikipedia

Hello Bossku : Pakistanis Say "Dont Invite Such Illiterate People Next Time" ??


Well it seems that the Indian fellow has been attracting all the wrong type of comments from Pakistanis.


You can read the story at this link 

My Comments :

Kepada Bossku yang sekarang duduk merengkuk dalam penjara - looks like no rescue attempts will be made to get you out of jail - given a second chance sudi ke Bossku untuk melayan si mamak India ini sekali lagi? Because quite obviously you lost a lot of votes in 2018, walaupun suruh Polis outrider hantar mamak itu ke sana dan ke sini. It did not help you win the votes.

Mamak-mamak Pakistan kutuk dia pula.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024


It is being reported that some car manufacturers are bringing back their old 1950s, 1960s and 1970s design automobiles, with uptodate engines (including EVs and Hybrids) and the latest electronics. Some of this news can be just hype by car fans (it is not seditious or fake news ok, so chill) but some car makers are already relaunching some iconic 1960s vehicles.

This is the Mitsubishi 360 pick-up "toy" from the 1960s.  The websites say it is being relaunched in 2025. I hope so too.


I really hope this bit comes true, that the French automaker Citroen is relaunching the iconic, absolutely marvellous Citroen DS21 from the 1950s and 1960s. This is a coupe version with new engines, new digital dashboard, front and rear cameras etc.

There is more talk about the relaunch of the 1960s British Morris Minor in 2025 (below).  I dont know who will relaunch this car considering that the old Morris Minor and British Leyland car companies have gone out of business a long time ago.  The car was a classic of automotive design.

Across the pond, the same is being said about the 1960s Chevrolet Bel Air (below) a super luxurious classic from General Motors of Detroit. If it is relaunched the car will possibly be made in Mexico and Canada. Car manufacturing in Detroit is quite dead.


Below here is my own classic, the Mercedes Benz CLK 200 Coupe which I have owned for the past 27 years. The car just runs and runs - it is another engineering marvel by Mercedes. If parts get worn out just replace them and the car runs as good as new. 

The 1960s till the 1970s produced some really beautiful and iconic cars. The designs had real class.

Post 1970s Japanese cars have made huge advances in their engineering quality (they rarely break down) but sadly the post 1970s Japanese cars have as much design style as Godzilla the plastic monster. 

Pointy designs with ugly jagged edges seems to be Japanese. European cars seem to be no better. Those all new Italian supercars look more weird than attractive. The Germans can be exceptional but not all the time. Sometimes you cannot tell the difference between a BMW and a Mercedes.  Except for the Porsche 911 - which first appeared in 1963. It has hardly changed. (I cant say the same for the other Porsches - some of them look gross).

There is a market niche for the 1960s designs. Not just oldies like me but even young folks will appreciate the old styles.  If it sells why not?





Monday, October 7, 2024



The Jamaate-e-Islami of Bangladesh, the local branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, played a big role in bringing down the government of Sheikh Hasina in August this year. Recall the students started the ball rolling with their street demonstrations. That was a student movement. 

Then suddenly, within just a few days, the violence suddenly turned against the minority Hindus in Bangladesh. Hundreds (if not thousands) of Hindus were killed and Hindu temples were burned to the ground. This was really strange because violence against the Hindus had nothing to do with bringing down the government of Syeikh Hasina. (By the way I dont support any one of these groups in Bangladesh).

But violence against other religions is exactly in the playbook of the Jamaate Islami.

The Jamaate-e-Islami Bangladesh was founded in 1941 by Abul Ala Maududi who had strong links with the Muslim Brotherhood. 

Here is some trivia. There are also links between the Jamaate Islami Bangladesh and Malaysia. Here is an academic article published in Bangladesh which shows a link between the Muslim Brotherhood in Bangladesh and Malaysia. You can read the pdf article at the link below here :  file:///C:/Users/alisy/Downloads/376-Galley%20(PDF)-1894-1-10-20240524.pdf

Today is October 7th. It is the first anniversary of the attack by Hamas against Israel on October 7th 2023. Over 1,200 Israelis were killed and over 250 of them taken hostage. That event sparked the Israeli invasion of Gaza to get rid of Hamas. One year on the Hamas has been practically wiped out. The Israelis now control all of Gaza and are mopping up the remnants of the Hamas in Gaza. Gaza is destroyed but still there. The Hamas on the other hand has been destroyed perhaps permanently.

Anyway today Oct 7th 2024 the Muslim Brotherhood has organised a conference and celebrations in Bangladesh to commemorate the October 7th attack against Israel.

Two Hamas top leaders have traveled from their HQ in Qatar to Bangladesh to participate in tomorrow’s celebration of the first anniversary of the Oct. 7 Massacre
They will meet at the Engineers Institute in Dhaka together with Afghan Taliban & Bangladeshi Islamists
7 October-2024, Monday, 9:00 am.
#Arranged_by  Al Markazul Islami - AMI

The gathering in Bangladesh today is called the Nusrat-e-Aqsa International Conference. The event is being funded by the Muslim Brotherhood in Qatar (aka the Qatar government). The main foreign speakers are from the Jamaate-e-Islami or Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan.



Within weeks of the ouster of the Bangladeshi government in August 2024, the Pakistanis despatched 4,000 rounds of tank shells to the Bangladesh Army. One would assume that just after the turmoil and chaos in the streets of Dhaka that the Pakistanis would despatch 4,000 tons of Basmathi rice to help feed the people. Instead the Pakistanis chose to send 4,000 artillery shells for tanks.

Then a few weeks after that (in September 2024) the Pakistanis despatched planeloads of Anti Tank Guided Missiles to Bangladesh. Tank artillery shells and anti tank guided missiles are more urgent than food or anything else. Considering that Bangladesh is under no military threat from India (which almost completely surrounds Bangladesh) the purpose of the tank artillery shells and ATGMs suggests a more sinister intention by the Pakistanis.

Bangladesh is no more an independent country. 53 years after becoming independent in 1971, Bangladesh is now reverting back to becoming "East Pakistan". The next item on the agenda will be a new round of elections in Bangladesh which will most likely (like 100% certainty) see the emergence of a fully pro-Pakistani, Jamaate Islami (Muslim Brotherhood) "leader" in that country. It will be the end of Bangladesh.

If this scenario does not happen, or if it is thwarted, then Bangladesh will burn. I have a feeling that Bangladesh will burn anyway.

Wherever the satanic  mullas and the satanic maulanas congregate there will be death and destruction.  Do keep this in mind. Remember that I told you this. 

"These reminders that I give you today are to be on your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.  Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates"

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Was Nasrallah's Body Really Recovered?

The Hezbollah fellows announced that they had recovered Nasrallah's body intact and uninjured in any way. That story is now being seriously disputed by some observers. 

The funeral for Nasrallah was also delayed by almost one week - after his body was allegedly recovered. The delayed funeral has created more doubts about his body being recovered at all because Muslim burials should take place within 24 hours of death (or the body being discovered). 

Then the Hezbollah announced that his burial would be "temporary". Meaning he would be buried temporarily in one place first and then buried in a permanent spot later.

He was finally buried a day or two ago but in a "secret location". No one knows the secret location. Some say it could be in Lebanon, in Karbala or in Najaf both of which are in Iraq.

Their reason for doing this is their fear that Israel would bomb his 'permanent' grave. This is a ridiculous idea but one which has been carefully crafted. The story that his body was recovered intact and unharmed plus the story that Israel wants to bomb his grave are designed to create a cult worship of Hassan Nasrallah.   

If Israel wanted to bomb his grave, they could just as easily bombed his temporary grave as well.


It is not impossible that his body suffered complete disintegration and was never recovered from under all that rubble caused by the explosive power of over 80 tonnes of high explosive bombs.  No other bodies have been recovered from the site of that massive bomb attack.



Sila dengar perbincangan berikut antara dua orang Arab ini. Seorang itu menjelaskan bahawa negara Palestin tidak pernah wujud dalam sejarah Arab.


Memang pun Palestin itu tidak terjumpa dalam Al Quran, tidak terjumpa dalam hadis dan langsung tidak pernah wujud sesebuah negara Arab bernama Palestin sejak 1446 tahun sejarah Islam.

Bible Yahudi dan Kristian merujuk kaum Philistine (Filistin). "According to biblical tradition (Deuteronomy 2:23; Jeremiah 47:4), the Philistines came from Caphtor"

Pada tahun 1964, setelah sengketa Arab-Israel telah bermula (pada 1948) Persatuan Liga Arab (Arab League) telah setuju menubuhkan PLO atau Palestine Liberation Organisation. 

At its first summit meeting in Cairo in 1964, the Arab League initiated the creation of an organization representing the Palestinian people. The Palestinian National Council convened in Jerusalem on 28 May 1964. After concluding the meeting, the PLO was founded on 2 June 1964.

Cara Penyelesaian Masalah Ini.

Israel telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1948. 

Daripada tahun 1948 hingga 1967 (peperangan Arab-Israel yang kedua) kawasan Gaza adalah sebahagian daripada negeri Mesir di bawah pentadbiran Mesir.

Sebelum tahun 1948 Tebing Barat (West Bank) pula tidak wujud atau tidak dikenali sebagai Tebing Barat (West Bank). Tebing Barat adalah sebahagian daripada negeri Jordan di bawah pentadbiran Raja Jordan.

"Following the December 1948 Jericho Conference, Transjordan annexed the area west of the Jordan River in 1950, naming it "West Bank" or "Cisjordan", and designated the area east of the river as "East Bank" or "Transjordan". Jordan, as it was now known, ruled over the West Bank from 1948 until 1967"

Pada Peperangan Arab-Israel Kedua tahun 1967, tentera Israel telah menawan Gaza daripada Mesir dan mereka telah menawan Tebing Barat daripada Jordan.

Israel telah menduduki Gaza sehingga tahun 2005 dan mereka telah menduduki Tebing Barat sehingga 1994 (apabila Yasser Arafat menjadi presiden Palestine Authority yang pertama).

Perkara yang perlu kita faham ialah daripada tahun 1948 hingga 1967, Gaza adalah wilayah Mesir dan Tebing Barat adalah wilayah Jordan. Tidak ada sesiapa pun menuduh Mesir atau Jordan sebagai 'kuasa penjajahan' atau 'occupying forces".

Penduduk Arab di Gaza dan Tebing Barat tiada masalah menjadi sebahagian daripada Mesir (bagi Gaza) atau sebahagian daripada Jordan (Tebing Barat).

Pada pendapat saya untuk penyelesaian jangka panjang, Gaza harus dipulangkan kepada Mesir dan Tebing Barat harus dipulangkan kepada Jordan.

Kita juga harus faham bahawa keluarga di Raja Hashimiyah Jordan (Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan) juga adalah "pemegang waqaf" yang kekal bagi Masjid Al Aqsa dan juga "penjaga" gereja Kristian Church of the Holy Sepulchre di Baytul Muqaddis.

"Hashemite custodianship refers to the Jordanian royal family's role in tending Muslim and Christian holy sites in the city of Jerusalem. The legacy traces back to 1924 when the Supreme Muslim Council, the highest Muslim body in charge of Muslim community affairs in Mandatory Palestine, chose Hussein bin Ali (Sharif of Mecca) as custodian of Al-Aqsa. The custodianship became a Hashemite legacy administered by consecutive Jordanian kings.

In 2013, an agreement between Jordan and the Palestinian Authority recognized Jordan's role in Jerusalem's Muslim and Christian holy sites.

During the 20th century the Masjid Al-Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock were renovated four times by the Hashemite kingdom. In 2016, King Abdullah II participated in funding renovation of Christ's tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Maksudnya Jordan mempunyai pertalian yang lama dengan urusan Masjid Al Aqsa dan gereja-gereja Church of Holy Sepulchre di Baytul Maqdis, jauh sebelum kemunculan "perjuangan Palestin", Hamas, Palestine Authority dsbnya.

Gaza harus dipulangkan kepada Mesir dan Tebing Barat harus dipulangkan kepada Jordan.