Wednesday, July 3, 2024


After the American Civil War ended in 1865, slavery was fully abolished. But the black people in America were not given full freedom.  For example 90 years later, until 1955 black people were not allowed to sit in front when riding the public buses. They could only sit at the back.

Way before that black people who were already freed from slavery were prevented from voting in elections by various tricks and dishonest means.  One of these methods was known as the Grandfather Laws. Some American states (usually in the racist south) made rules that black people could only vote if their grandfather's had also been registered voters. Their grandfather's had been slaves and slaves could not vote. Or the black people had to prove that not only they could read and write but their grandfathers could also read and write. Tricks like these were used to deny black people their rights. 

According to Free Malaysia Today (below), Datin Azimah of PAGE has pointed out that most SPM students usually take NINE subjects in the SPM. So how are they going to get 10As when most of them only take NINE subjects ?

Suggestion : Can the Minister of Education please show us some statistics exactly how many SPM candidates (please show separate stats for bumis and non-bumis) took 10 subjects?

Click here for a quick video :


Coins From The Early Islamic Period


Here is something quite interesting. I first read about this quite some years ago but lately this area of historical research through numismatics is gaining more traction.  

Numismatics is the study and collection of coins, tokens, and other coin-like objects that people used as currencies throughout history.

Here are images of some coins from early Islamic history (as early as the 7th century AD).




In these early Islamic coins (above and below) there are depictions of the caliph's head or of human figures. There are arabic inscriptions on the coins like the 'bismillah' and 'laa ilaaha illalah'.  Later the caliph's head and human figures would disappear from Islamic coins.




Above : Arab-Sasanian-style Umayyad coin minted under Mu'awiya I rule in Basra in 675/76 in the name of the Umayyad governor Ubayd Allah ibn Ziyad.  (The reverse of the coin (on the right) has Zoroastrian features, including the crescent and star).


Here is a coin from the Umayyad period :

which has crosses on it.


ISLAMIC, Umayyad Caliphate. temp. Yazid I ibn Mu'awiya, AH 60-64 / AD 680-683. Fals (Bronze, 20 mm, 3.83 g, 6 h), Arab-Byzantine type, 'Pseudo-Damascus' mint. Two imperial figures seated on throne facing, both wearing crowns surmounted by a cross and holding a cruciform scepter cross in their right hands; the figure on the right is holding a globus cruciger in her left hand; above, cross.

You can Google why the cross appeared on the early Islamic coins. For example this article. 

The crescent and star symbol has a long history.  



The crescent and star had also been used by the Persians (Zoroastrians). 

The Persian / Zoroastrian symbol could have even represented the simple oil lamp: 

A lot of things went on in history. 




Dua watak utama terlibat menghilangkan Melayu di dunia

Watak No 1 Melayu marhaen, orang kebanyakan yang buta, pekak dan bisu. Masyarakat Melayu lazimnya tidak faham apabila perkara yang besar diremehkan. Dan mereka mudah terikut-ikut apabila perkara yang remeh diperbesarkan. Mereka tidak nampak gajah liar yang makan semua tanaman dan merosakkan semua pokok di kebun mereka. Apabila disuruh mereka melompat-lompat cuba memijak semut yang tidak kelihatan pun.

Watak No 2 adalah ahli politik Melayu tidak kira parti politik yang mana pun. Ahli politik Melayu tidak buta, bukan pekak dan sangat jauh daripada bisu. Ahli politik Melayu lazimnya  perbesarkan perkara yang remeh. Dan mereka remehkan perkara yang besar. Mereka sedia faham orang kampong akan senantiasa segani mereka. Merekalah watak gajah liar yang boleh makan semua tanaman dan merosakkan semua pokok kepunyaan orang kampong. Mereka tahu orang kampong sangat takut gajah liar.