Monday, September 30, 2024



They dropped up to 85 metric tonnes of ordinance on Hassan Nasrallah. These included special bunker buster bombs weighing 4,000 to 5,000 pounds each (just over 2.0 metric tonnes). Other bombs dropped were one tonners (metric). If the tonnage of bombs was 85 mt, the Israeli airforce dropped at least 40 bombs. Maybe up to 60 bombs - all within a few minutes.

Bunker buster bombs are specialised weapons, capable of penetrating hardened targets or deep underground facilities, including military bunkers, up to 30 meters of earth or six meters of reinforced concrete.

Nasrallah's bunker was built more than 60 feet underground as part of the basement of a residential building complex. The complex had six multi storey buildings.  This means Nasrallah was using residential housing above him as human shields. But the complex was largely empty. Despite two days having passed no figures have been released by the Lebanese if there were civilian casualties. Nasrallah's wife and daughter are believed to have been killed but not sure.

Two types of aircraft were used the F35C Stealth fighter and the F15 Strike Eagle. The F-35C can carry 23,000 lbs of ordinance (about 11 metric tonnes) while the F15 can carry 29,500 lbs or 13.3 mt. Assuming each plane carried FOUR bombs, they must have used about 20 F16s and F35s for the attack.

Nasrallah had called for an emergency meeting at the underground bunker. Only those called to attend plus immediate staff would have known about the time and location of the meeting. Someone inside this circle snitched. Because Nasrallah would not stay in one location for long. Once his meeting was concluded he would have moved to another secure location. So the Israeli airforce had to be precise with their timing of the attack.

It takes about 10 minutes (combat conditions) to 20 minutes to load ordinance onto fighter jets. More importantly the ground staff would need to be given orders way ahead of time as to exactly how many aircraft were needed, what type of aircraft, how many 2 tonne bunker buster bombs, how many one tonners, 0.5 tonne bombs would be needed etc. There must have been a weapons specialist doing all this planning. And that would have taken hours of planning and preparation. Meaning the Israeli airforce did not wake up suddenly on Friday morning, with a Yee-haa and then went out and bombed Nasrallah. No way. They had prior knowledge and enough time to plan the bombing run in detail.

The first wave of aircraft must have bombed the six above ground buildings and dropped them into rubble. Then the two tonne bunker busters were dropped which penetrated the rubble and went more than 60 feet into the ground. The bunker busters have time fuses and explode after they penetrate a certain depth. These are the bombs which killed Nasrallah. Nasrallah's body was found intact without any external injuries (so they say). This means he was killed by blast pressure with no flying shrapnel or debris. The bomb hit quite close. 
The Israelis knew exactly where to hit. The bombs were possibly laser guided.  And someone had to pinpoint the lasers.

All this indicates pre-planning and knowledge before hand. Considering Nasrallah would be constantly moving, someone on the inside snitched. 
The ayatollahs betrayed Nasrallah.