Friday, October 4, 2024

The Ayatollahs Await "The Second Coming" Of The Jews.



It is now believed that Hussein Safieddine the new leader of Hezbollah has been killed in an airstrike in Beirut yesterday.  The rest of the Islamic world will not care.

The Israelis have also given notice to the United Nations that their retaliation strike against Iran is "imminent". No one knows how soon is 'imminent' but it may not be long.

The Israelis have also announced that they will be 'managing' Gaza from now until for a long time to come. Their plan is to manage Gaza through strengthening local government which will be run by Gazans. The people of Gaza will be assured of all public services and public amenities but with no central authority that will declare wars or build tunnels underground.

The media does not report much about what is going on inside Gaza now. The Israelis have divided the Gaza  into smaller strips. The northern strip will likely be made a security zone for some time. Movement will be restricted. The rest of Gaza may already be divided into two halves.  Movement between the halves will ultimately be through checkpoints with close CCTV monitoring and facial recognition software. 

As you are reading this Hezbollah is being removed from Lebanon. Similar to what Russia is doing in Ukraine the Israelis are demolishing the logistics and supply lines of the Hezbollah. Their supply lines run through Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and then to Iran. 

It is fake news that the Hezbollah possess 150,000 rockets. Many years ago the number was around 15,000 rockets. Then overnite the number was escalated to 150,000 rockets by the Israelis themselves. This number has stuck.

Iran is believed to have an arsenal of only around 30,000 rockets. Iran is restricted by a limited industrial and manufacturing capacity. Rockets are made in factories. It is therefore quite impossible that Hezbollah (whose very sustenance is provided by Iran) would have been supplied with 150,000 rockets by the same Iranians.

As you read this Hezbollah is being wiped out. Yet they have not fired their 'thousands of missiles'. What are they waiting for? If they do not fire their 'thousands' of rockets now, then when?

The second Iranian missile attack (of 180 rockets) has again proven the strength of Israeli anti-missile defenses. Only one person was killed, an Arab Muslim in the West Bank city of Jericho who was killed by falling rocket debris. Both the Iranian missile 'storms' so far have failed almost completely. 

What is really going to happen is that once this nonsense in the Middle East is over, Saudi Arabia and every other Arab Gulf nation will be buying the Israeli missile defense system.

However the biggest tree that is now shaking and tottering close to collapse are the ayatollahs in Iran. Two of their biggest proxies Hamas and Hezbollah have been destroyed or are being destroyed with very little possibility of being revived. 

Do the ayatollahs really care? Well no and yes

No because the ayatollahs cannot be bothered about the Arabs or the Al Aqsa Mosque. It is all just a farce. A farce to hoodwink their own people inside Iran that the ayatollahs are a great superpower in the world who are worthy to be the rulers of Iran.

But this task is becoming a really difficult job for them because the ayatollahs have long ago lost all legitimacy to "rule" Iran. Theirs is a dictatorialsystem that holds on to power by murdering people. 

In 2023 the ayatollahs executed 853 people. In the first six months of 2024 they killed 249 people (Amnesty). Granted there is a sizeable number of drug dealers but there are also the writers, thinkers, academics, 22 year old girls refusing to wear headscarves who all get sentenced to death. Plus there is absolutely no freedom of speech in a country of 85 million people.

I need to explain the 'yes' part. Shortly.

  • The Iranian economy has contracted significantly
  • national debt is 30% of GDP
  • the currency lost 80% of its value in less than two years.
  • Inflation is at 49.5%
  • unemployment is 10%.

Plus the ayatollahs have completely lost their legitimacy to rule Iran.

In the presidential election held in March 2024, official figures showed a voter turnout of only 41%.  That is already a minority "government". I did say at that time that the real voter turnout would have been much less. It is being mentioned now that the real voter turnout was less than 15% of the voters in Iran. So less than 15% of Iranian voters turned up to vote in their presidential elections in March. The ayatollah dictatorship has completely lost the ground in Iran.

Later in May 2024 the ayatollahs held Parliamentary elections where the voter turnout was between 7% to 8%, the lowest voter turnout in the history of the ayatollah dictatorship.

"..March presidential election, for instance, only 41% of eligible voters participated (unofficial reports suggest turnout was actually below 15%). The results of parliamentary elections in May 2024 saw voter turnout between 7% and 8%, marking the lowest participation in the history of the Islamic Republic.  THE REGIME’S legitimacy is at its lowest point since the 1979 Islamic Revolution".

The ayatollahs days are certainly numbered. This is where we need to talk about Adolph Hitler's personal praetorian guard the Waffen SS. Waffen means 'weapon' and SS refers to "schutzstaffel" or protection squadron. 

Adolph Hitler first set up the Waffen SS in the 1930s as his personal bodyguard corps. With about 1,000 men, they were first called "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" or 'life guards of Adolph Hitler". These were handpicked Nazis who personally swore an oath of allegiance to Adolph Hitler. The core of the Waffen SS were blond haired, blue eyed Germans who were hardcore wannabe Aryans - Adolph Hitler's idea of a superior race.

Later by the 1940s (when Nazi Germany was losing the war) the Waffen SS expanded to become 38 divisions with hundreds of thousands of troops, including Poles, Romanians, Muslim Bosnians etc. 

Adolph Hitler needed these hardcore Nazis because by the early 1940s Hitler had lost legitimacy to rule over Germany. The war was going nowhere and the German people lost faith in Hitler. The German military also lost faith in Hitler. Beginning 1932 there were 24 assassination attempts against Hitler, with the last one by the famous Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg in July 1944. 

As time passed Hitler relied more and more on the Waffen SS "praetorian guard" not only to carry out his war orders but to actually keep him alive.  He could not trust the Wehrmacht (Army) or the German people. For example Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, the military genius and commander of Hitler's Afrika Corps, was forced to commit suicide in 1944. Rommel was implicated in Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg's assassination attempt against Hitler. 

This is happening now to the ayatollahs in Iran. With less than 15% voter turnout for the presidential elections and 7% - 8% turnout for Parliamentary elections the ayatollahs have no more legitimacy in Iran. The mysterious 'assassination' of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, the assassination of Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and now the assassination of Hassan Nasrallah and Hussein Saifeddine in Beirut are proof enough of serious intrigue and distrust among the ayatollahs. Their days are numbered.

And here is some trivia :  Iran (or Eran in Farsi) means Aryan, the only country named after the Aryan "concept". 

The terms Iranian and Persian are often used interchangeably to describe people from Iran, but the terms “Persian” and “Iranian” don’t necessarily mean the same thing. Some people draw a distinction in that Persian relates to a particular ethnicity—i.e. Persian people—and being Iranian is a claim to a certain nationality. Thus, a person could be one without being the other.

So Hitler was a wannabe 'Eranian' but he was not a Persian.

And the ayatollahs too have their own Waffen SS who have sworn to protect them even with their lives. This is the IRGC or Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp. And from the ranks of the IRGC, the ayatollahs have handpicked the IRGC-QF or IRGC Quds Force - a relatively small group numbering 5,000 or more fanatic Shias who believe in the ayatollah version of the 'Eranian superior race'.

"The IRGC has between 150,000 and 190,000 personnel. The IRGC-QF has between 5,000 and 15,000 personnel, handpicked from the broader IRGC for their competency and allegiance to the regime"

Just like Adolph Hitler lost the trust of his own people and of his senior military commanders (like Field Marshall Rommel) so too the ayatollahs have lost the confidence of the Iranian people and military commanders (many of whom have quite obviously become Mossad spies). 

The ayatollahs are now down to their last bastion - the IRGC and especially the IRGC-QF or the IRGC - Quds Force. This the ayatollahs praetorian guard.

The ayatollahs have no choice but to keep the IRGC Quds Force convinced and fired up 24/7. "Our enemies are out to get us" has so far worked quite well.  America The Great Satan worked wonders. Israel used to be Great Satan No. 2 but I think Israel is now Great Satan No. 1. 

The greatest intoxicant is of course the Shia religion. Especially those parts of the religion which serve as violent aphrodisiacs. The ones for which the Basij (IRGC troops) are willing to sacrifice their lives. This is religion so of course it has to be based on myths. (By the way Shias dont believe in the 72 virgins theory, its not mentioned in their cook-books. It is found in other cooked-up-cook-books).

The shias are very big into the Mahdi (or the Second Coming which Christians understand very well, you own the copyright).

From the perspective of the Supreme Leader (ayatollah Ali Khamenei), a new Islamic civilization ..can emerge as a natural consequence of the spread of Islamic values, thus paving the way for the return of the messianic figure of Mahdi - the 12th and last Imam to be seen as the legitimate successor to the Prophet Mohammad by Twelver Shiites (Iran, Iraq, Lebanon etc.). Only under his rule can a true Islamic civilization be fully realized

The Coming of the Mahdi is Iranian state policy. Iranian generals rely on the concept of the Coming of the Mahdi in their everyday speeches to the IRGC and their soldiers.

The concept is very simple. The Mahdi is the saviour who will save Iran, raise Shia Islam to its rightful pinnacle, defeat all the "christians and jews" (Buddhists, Hindus not mentioned but you dont need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out) and "the greatest love of all" the Mahdi will usher the END OF THE WORLD. 

This is typical APOCALYPTO stuff from the Bible's Book of Revelations.


But there is a big catch. 


What does that mean? To usher the second coming of the Mahdi, Iran must be militarily strong. Otherwise the Mahdi will not come. Hence all the money wasted on missiles that do not hit anything.

To usher the second coming of the Mahdi, Shia Islam must also be strong.  Otherwise the Mahdi will not come. (The 1.2 billion Sunnis DO NOT COUNT - ha ha ha). This has not been as successful because Shias can only be found in some numbers in the Middle East. Comparatively there are almost no Shias in Africa and Asia (except for Pakistan 15%, and the 'stans in Central Asia). 

  • This is where the sneaky ayatollahs have mastered their game. 
  • They are fully aware that the journey must be kept more exciting than reaching its end. 
  • Because they know that there is no end to this journey or it is a dead end. 
  • They have no choice but to keep the IRGC and the Quds Force fired up with yet more stories of the Imam Mahdi.
  • 'He is coming, he is coming'.

This is a very precarious situation.  I think the ayatollah's goose is going to get cooked soon.