News is coming out about fierce fighting going on between Palestinians and Palestinians inside the West Bank. As you are reading this there is fighting going on in Jenin.
The West Bank is ruled by the Palestinian Authority (PA) whose president is Mahmoud Abbas. Abbas and the PA represent the Fatah group (aka the Palestinian Liberation Organisation or PLO). The Fatah are secular and multi-religious in that Muslims, Christians and other ethnicities can all be members of Fatah.
Fighting against the Fatah/PA are two groups namely the Hamas which represents the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad which is Shiah (and is funded by Iran). The Hamas has declared the Fatah an enemy because the Hamas is 100% Muslim and does not share the secularism of Fatah. Hamas is part of the "world caliphate" bla bla delusion.
Here is a map of one corner of the Satanic neighborhood :
Syria has recently "fallen" on December 8th. It is a big victory for the Muslim Brotherhood. Syria has a long border with Jordan. Jordan has a population of almost 12 million people of which over 70% (8 million people) are Palestinian Arabs. A vast majority of the Palestinian Arabs in Jordan support the Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. There is some serious agitation going on now in Jordan and there is talk of a possible collapse of the Jordanian monarchy. If Jordan "falls" there will be an almost certain 'open border' between Jordan and the West Bank (please see map).
Before 1967 there was no such thing as the West Bank. Until 1967 the 'West Bank' was part of Jordan. It was only after the Six Day War of 1967 that Jordan 'lost' the West Bank. Now the West Bank has become a separate state.
If you have nothing better to do in life, keep an eye on Jordan and the West Bank. They could be next to 'fall'. Both are very closely linked.
Is it relevant to us? Sadly and unfortunately, yes.