Then after completing their housemanship if all the housemen were absorbed as Medical Officers we would also overcome the shortage of doctors.
Since a long time ago, the ketuanan policies of UMNO/BN stopped recognising foreign Masters degrees and postgraduate medical qualifications like the UK FRCS, FRCP etc. Even if you had a postgraduate degree from Harvard Medical School it is not recognised in Malaysia. Harvard University is not good enough for Malaysia - a Third World country. How stup_d can you get?
The ketuanan policies only recognise postgraduate medical degrees awarded by local gomen universities. This is a ketuanan control mechanism. It is not based on merit.
Without a postgraduate degree a doctor cannot become a specialist in the gomen health services. By controlling access to post-graduate training, the 'racial-quotas' can also be controlled.
An Indian doctor successfully sued the gomen because her application to study for her Master's degree was not approved by her superior. Another Indian girl was basically told to keep quiet when she questioned about high achieving Indian students not being able to gain entry into medical faculties at gomen universities.
The bottom line is there is an extreme shortage of doctors in gomen hospitals THROUGHOUT MALAYSIA. Playing the racial-game in almost everything has serious consequences. Now the gomen health service is facing a major crisis.
Years ago a Malay friend of mine died because he had to wait for months to see a cancer specialist at the gomen hospital. Even his diagnosis and test results took months. In the meantime his cancer spread and he died. There were not enough specialists in the gomen hospitals.
Despite arriving on time (or earlier) for their appointments, patients at the Institut Kanser Negara in Putrajaya have to wait from early morning until the evening before they can see the doctor. Sometimes there are hundreds of patients waiting. There are not enough doctors.
The majority of patients at the gomen hospitals are Malays. Because they are the majority population. The majority of patients who suffer while waiting for medical treatment are therefore also Malays.
These Malays are also voters. They will not vote for Malay parties like UMNO, BERSATU, PAS, PKR, AMANAH if they cannot get prompt medical attention at the gomen hospitals and be treated by well qualified and specialist doctors.
The Malay political parties like UMNO, BERSATU, PAS, PKR, AMANAH wrongly think that the ketuanan policies will win votes for them.
You are terribly wrong. In 2018 UMNO/BN was kicked out. The more defining electiion was in 2022 where no single party could win the elections. They all LOST. The Malay voters did not give sufficient votes for any of the Malay parties to win.
The ketuanan policies now lose elections.Ketuanan policies do not win elections anymore.
The Malay people want delivery. They dont care about ketuanan policies. We need as many medical students as possible in the local universities, IPTA and IPTS. We need as many houseman and medical officers as possible in the gomen health services. We need as many postgrad doctors as possible, both from local universitiesa as well as foreign qualified.
We need doctors. We dont need ketuanan policies.
UMNO, BERSATU, PAS, PKR, AMANAH take note - the ketuanan policies lose elections.