Sunday, February 9, 2025

The Unthinking Became The Dominant Species.




Thinking became an endangered species.

Politics is money. Big money.  Securing the money is more important. Everything else can be sacrificed.

East Malaysia NGOs - before making such statements please ask your own politicians first. They have sold you out for wood. Kayu. The wood from the trees in your jungle. If you are a piece of wood (kayu) they will respect you more. But you are not pieces of wood. So they respect you less.

This is a very serious Catch 22 situation. The people who are being asked to treat the Muslims like thinking entities are themselves non-thinking entities. How can you expect the non-thinking people to treat the Muslims like thinking people? They themselves cannot think. The solution : the people must get rid of these non-thinking people. Do not place the non-thinking people in charge. This is the problem.


So its not Salahudeen we should be waiting for. We should forget about Salahudeen. We do not have to look like Salahudeen, or dress like him, eat like him, walk like him or talk like him.  Surely we have our own minds with which to think. Salahudeen is dead and gone. He has no relevance to us anymore. But Salahudeen was a great guy.