In an oppressive environment, Rule No 1 - No names.
This morning I received a phone call from a very old and very close friend. Actually related by marriage. A very successful business family in the 'maha kaya' category. They have been in business for over 50 years. Like so many people nowadays he is seriously concerned about what is happening in the economy (actually what is not happening).
Considering that they are old time business people with plenty invested in their various businesses their worries and concerns cannot be ignored. On the contrary it is the views of the business people which are the most important. They are the real pulse of the economy. If they get sick, the rest of the economy will die.
And like so many people nowadays he is really upset with the Advisor to Gaza. He says that the fellow has no more place where he can stand. This is referring to Parliamentary seats. There are no more Parliamentary seats where he will be welcome. So if he cannot stand it means he will have to sit down.
After release from the Bamboo River Resort he went to pick garbage by the beach in Negeri. Do you recall that? And he won that seat. Why pick garbage by the beach? Why not go back to their 'family seat' in the north? He could not go back to his traditional "family seat" because the family had also lost their popularity in that seat. And true enough the daughter would later lose that seat to an unknown ostard wal retard from parti PAS. Their family presence in that seat has already ended quite decisively. They have no more future there.
Lets get back to picking up garbage by the beach. Within a short time the people there who voted for him also got fed up. I think his people did some checking and realised that if he stood there again, he could lose that seat. So they moved him to a safe seat up north again where the Sepupu Lim Chin Peng clan made sure that he would win easily - which he did.
Predictably, after he won he has now lost popularity in that seat as well. Even the Sepupu Lim Chin Peng clan cannot be sure that he will win that seat again. It looks like their 'ayam tambatan' (chicken of hope) has now become an itek kudong (lame duck or itek OKU).
What if he loses? Well Gaza will need a new Advisor.
My friend who called this morning suggested that they field him as a candidate in Jayaputra. Maybe he stands a better chance there. I dont think so because there is no such seat.
The possibility is now very real that the Advisor to Gaza will not be able to win any seat in future elections. He may even lose his deposit.
The people who should be worried the most about this situation is that Sepupu Lim Chin Peng clan. Because there is actually a much bigger problem that they face. Not only the Advisor to Gaza may lose his seat (which will be a fatal embarrassment and a mortal wound to their collective future) but his entire party will be wiped out. It will be the end of their coalition.
Their dumbno coalition partner will likely fare worse. The Perikatan Nasional with Bersatu, Gerakan and PAS will likely wipe the floor clean with them. Hamzah Zainuddin of Bersatu will likely be PM XI.
The Perikatan Nasional now enjoys an increasing sympathy from non-Malay voters with one exception, PAS. If Bersatu dumps parti PAS it is very likely that many non-Malays will vote for Bersatu / PN. However the other part of the equation indicates that with PAS in the PN coalition, more Malay votes will swing towards PN. And on the Semenanjung, the Malay vote far outweighs the non Malay vote in too many constituencies. So PAS will likely remain with Bersatu.
The reader can argue with the various scenarios I have painted above. Of course you can. These are just my thoughts after breakfast on a Saturday morning. But I think the most solid argument above or the scenario that will most likely happen is that the Advisor to Gaza will lose the elections no matter where he stands as a candidate. Plus his party is going to get wiped out. In such event his coalition will unravel. Gaza will need a new Advisor. The Sepupu Lim Chin Peng clan will also get seriously damaged.
The property developers have to really speed up their construction schedules. You have only two years left.