Friday, October 25, 2024


The previous comments by Murray Hunter that Malaysia does not have a foreign policy is to be noted. This has been the situation in Malaysia for some time. 

During Dr Mahathir's time we became anti-west and very pro-South or pro Third World. But one was the result of the other. Because Dr Mahathir was so anti-west and the west began calling him recalcitrant, xenophobic etc Dr M turned his attention to the South. I must say Dr M had some success in organising the countries of the South (those South - South summits, the Langkawi Dialogues etc). 

Dr Mahathir outsmarted the US and hijacked the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Dr Mahathir was not alone. When he spoke the world listened. Or at least the South listened. So our foreign policy had some direction but perhaps it was the personal interest and agenda of Dr Mahathir. After Dr Mahathir stepped down, "sleep apnea" took over. That was the end of that.

Did it really help us? During Dr M's time the Nigerian scammers, the Afghan beggars, the Iranian drug smugglers, the jihadi fundos all discovered Malaysia  as well. Do not forget some of the initial planning for Al Qaeda's 9-11 attacks took place in Kuala Lumpur. 

The latest news is Malaysia is now a partner nation of the BRICs. Not a full fledged member but a partner n'theless. I think the BRICS is good for the world economy, especially for world peace. The BRICS will have a 'dulling effect' on the sabre rattling of the United States and the UK - the two most belligerant nations on the surface of the earth. But be prepared for reaction from the US and the UK. There will be some cost to us. So where are we exactly? Neither here nor there? Also known as "non-aligned".

Now the politicians do not have any policy for anything at all. What is our economic policy? Dont know. Just continue whatever policy there is or never was since the past 50 years. Just bungle along. Someone said GST is good. So they said OK lets do the GST. They almost killed the economy. So they abolished the GST. Then someone said Minimum Wages are good. So they said OK lets do Minimum Wages. RM1,700 salary in Sempoerna? Or Bota Kiri? You are going to shut down the SMEs. Unemployment is increasing and the gophers do not know how to back out of the hole. Their heads are stuck.


You can see the headless chickens from the coalitions they have concocted. Everyone is sleeping with everyone else. Or rather anyone can sleep with anyone, regardless of creed, colors, or even "orientation". 

If the ban against the Communist Party of Malaya were lifted and the CPM won some seats in the elections, let me assure you the CPM will be able to join the ruling coalition at that time. It is almost guaranteed. 'How many seats you got ah? Want to join us ah?'  

Because the politicians have no scruples, they have no ideology, they have no policy initiatives, nothing. They just want power. One fellow will want to be the PM, others will want to be Ministers, MPs etc. Some of the minority races just want to see one of their own in the Cabinet. Ideology? Policy? What is that? 

Geert Wilders should move to Malaysia

Despite winning the Dutch elections right wing politician Geert Wilders (above) was not able to become the prime minister of Holland. Simply because other Dutch parties disagreed with Wilders' right wing policies. So Wilders could not assemble a strong enough coalition. Wilders should just pack his bags and move to Malaysia. 'Geert how many seats you got ah? Want to join us ah?

I am waiting for that Mufti Bill to be tabled for the vote in Parliament. I am quite sure those 55 MPs from Sarawak and Sabah will vote for the Mufti Bill. All their talk about the Malaysia Agreement, the "Malaya policies", the "West Malaysia dominance" etc is just bullshit. They too have no backbone. Like in the Boneless-Chicken Ranch they will flop down anywhere that can absorb their "flexibility". 

This sums it up.