Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Rasmi Kangkung - kepala tinggi berdongak ke langit tapi kaki terpacak dalam air longkang. A TAKE ON MURRAY HUNTER'S ARTICLE


MALAY PARENTS DENGAR BAIK-BAIK : Many private sector companies (Malaysian and multi-national corporations) now subject local engineering graduates to in-house written exams BEFORE their job interviews. Those who fail (there are many) are told to go home. No need for the job interview.


When the former minister for education Maszlee Malik under the previous Pakatan Harapan government claimed that a memo from U-M prohibited public statements, including social media, the question here is what did he do about it when he had the opportunity? Rather than do something, the then director-general of the education ministry, who wouldn’t divulge her name, going under the pseudonym “Aristotle” was very defensive to any criticism of academic freedoms at the time.

Academic freedom of expression is extremely low in Malaysia.

There are two parts to the concept.

The first is about institutional freedom where a university should be autonomous, with full accountability, where the university administration is free to make independent decisions about mission, governance, hiring of academic leaders, academic and non-academic staff, selecting students, and introducing new programs and courses.

The second aspect is individual academic freedom, where there is a climate promoting freedom to teach what an academic thinks is right. Freedom of expression within the public domain on issues, freedom to associate with others, with integrity just doesn’t exist.

(OSTB :  The Malay "intelligentsia" is so frightened of the gomen that they do not even want to be seen with "rebels", opposition groups or 'anti-establishment' individuals and outfits. They are just too frightened of losing their rice bowls).

In Malaysian public universities today, both staff and students are formally forbidden, except with permission from their respective vice chancellors to express opinions publicly, write about, or organise or participate in forums about politics, religion (particularly Islam), and education. They are not allowed to criticise their own institutions.

The ministry over the decades has given directives  that no staff should talk to the media on sensitive issues without permission. This ban does not just include the areas mentioned above, but also environmental issues like haze. The Malaysian Bar Association claims that this directive breaches Section 10 of the Malaysian Constitution guaranteeing free speech.

In addition to the formal directives, informal bans exist on research and discussion about ethnic conflict and local corruption, especially if research findings might raise questions about government policy.

(OSTB : What can I say except HAA HAA HA. And they call themselves academics?)

Sanctions for violating these rules and norms range from rebukes from administrators, to the loss or jobs through the non-renewal of work contracts, to prosecution in the court system through sedition laws, etc. The use of teaching contracts is particularly powerful in curbing free speech of academics, where academics fear they will not get extensions if they don’t carry favour with administrators.

Malaysian academics even need permission from the vice chancellor to attend any conference and travel outside their own state within Malaysia.

All university staff and students are required to swear allegiance to the  -----ment, through an “Aku Janji” oath. They must promise to follow directions of their immediate superiors and the government of the day without question or criticism.

Some academics tried to oppose the swearing of allegiance to the BN Government a few years ago to no avail. There has been silence ever since.

The fact is today Malaysian public universities don’t make independent decisions about their respective missions, hiring of academic leaders, and recruitment of staff, student intake, and the introduction of new programs and courses. This is still completely in the hands of the ministry.

The Education Ministry strictly controls what courses any university may offer, and all curriculum must be approved prior to teaching. The ministry has even specified some compulsory subjects that must be taken by all students in Malaysia such as Asian Civilisation and Malay Studies. Some argue these subjects are controversial in the religious views put forward.

Malaysian universities are part of the apparatus of -----ment rather than being an independent source of ideas and policy.

There have been numerous cases where students and academics have faced intimidation and other sanctions, including prosecution for expression in the media or organising events which university administrators don’t like.

Most academics fear the consequences and repercussions of speaking out about public issues, unless their views are favourable to the -----ment. With such intimidation, most academics choose to remain silent.
However one of the more disturbing things is that some local academics go out of their way to apologise for the lack of academic freedom in pseudo research, where for example, the issue with academic freedom with academic responsibility would be linked, making an underlying assumption that academics cannot be trusted to be academically responsible. This is probably best epitomised by a comment made by a Malaysian academic “Alang Ahmad” on the Scholars and Researchers for Academic Freedom in Malaysia (SARAF) on Facebook, where he said...

“Sorry, we U--M lecturers owe our livelihood to the BN Govt. Besides unity of Malays has greater importance than the silly wishes of some juveniles” Nov 25, 2011.

(OSTB : Bodoh kerana tak benar. Or 'Tak benar kerana bodoh'). 

Some academics have followed their “superiors” agenda by creating research that supports -----ment ideas and points of view like Ketuanan Melayu. Such a case was where the academic from Universiti K------an Malaysia (U-M) used an extended concept of "Nam Tien," a term used to refer to the migration from the Red River delta to the Mekong Delta during the 11th and 18th Century to argue that the Malay race has for thousands of years been a target of invasion, due to envy by other races.

(OSTB : Could it be because the Malays are descended from Konthura - which was argued by another Malay academic, who by the way is still a validated 'professor' at a local university? Or that Malays in the medieval ages were sailing in huge eight masted sailing ships and were ready to invade China? Hence the Nam Tien strategy was actually a pre-emptive strike by the "envious" Chinese? Well this is just me being 'non-academic' as well. If you can so can we. Yes we can.)

Even more disturbing is the reluctance of university academics to speak out against their superiors, leaving the door open for university management to mismanage and flaunt the system financially. The author was told by a state director of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) that he has tried for years to get university staff to report their superiors for corruption, but been unable to get anybody to stand forward and make a formal report.

A former deputy vice chancellor of I--I-La----te International University claims that the Malays are ‘cultural prisoners’ and are not courageous in speaking out due to the norms of society. He goes on to say that this weakness is allowing extremism to creep in and preventing Malays advancing.

(OSTB : They are just chicken-shit afraid). 

Public universities  are heavily politicised. All vice chancellors are selected by the Min---ry  and personally appointed by the mi---er.

In addition, very few deans and office bearers are elected by lecturers within the faculties, so these leaders tend not to be accountable to their staff, giving them wide powers. These people tend to be loyal to their superiors and thus academics are under close scrutiny of their activities.

According to the highly cited US expert on education Dr Philip Altmbach, it is difficult to see how a fully developed higher education system can be developed without academic freedom.

(OSTB : Hence the phrase Professor Kangkung. Angkat kepala tinggi berdongak ke langit tapi kaki terpacak dalam air longkang). 

In the light of numerous promises to give universities more autonomy, intellectual and academic freedom should be issues at the top of the list. However with the current crackdown on free speech, academic freedom is only likely to receive lip service in the near future.

If good policy is going to be scripted, corruption fought, and critical thinking and creativity developed in Malaysia’s universities, a paradigm shift in academic freedom is necessary.

The academic values of autonomy, freedom of expression, and integrity have been largely ignored, at the plight of university standards in Malaysia.

Although Malaysia has globalised its education system, it is still encumbered by Malay cultural norms that are preventing evolution of higher education institutions to their best potential.

In wider society, if academic freedom doesn’t exist, how can freedoms exist elsewhere within the nation?

This is the dilemma hindering the potential of the country to progress today.

The lack of academic freedom weakens the national intellect, which can be witnessed by Malaysia’s relative decline among its neighbours over the last decade.

Malaysian universities may have modern infrastructure, but they are hindered from growing by the current inability of academics to speak out.

OSTB : Well we have been an independent country for only 67 years. The public universities here are all much younger than that. The interaction (or 100% dependence by the public education system) with the corrupted political classes is even younger than that. 

There is no extant Malay alphabet. Many older Malays today are first generation literates. Meaning their parents did not know how to read and write. Prior to independence (and even after) there is little history of widespread literacy, literary history or literary achievement. There is not going to be a Rabindranath Tagore,  a Naguib Mahfouz, a VS Naipaul (Nobel Prize Literature), a CV Raman or S Chandrashekhar (Nobel Prize Physics) for a long, long time to come. 

So "higher concepts" like academic integrity, academic honesty or even the "academic method" are still work in progress.  This is the gist of Professor Murray Hunter's article above. And they all - without exception - still believe in imaginary, pet flying unicorns. 

When you believe in  imaginary, pet flying unicorns then "hysterical evidence" must override historical evidence. 'Hysterical evidence' means when you resort to shouting and screaming at the top of your lungs when you cannot show any real historical evidence or scientific proofs (and what the hell is that?) for whatever you believe or claim.  

There are two systems of tertiary education in Malaysia - the public and private universities. Public means completely Malay while private means largely non Malay.

The private, largely non-Malay universities do not seem to face any or much of the problems faced by the public universities (described by Prof Murray above). Very simply because the private universities are independently funded and depend on 100% merit (of their academic teaching staff as well as their students) to keep attracting new students to enroll and hence sustain their existence. Almost all of them are closely tuned up to produce graduates who are sought after in the job market. They are market oriented. There is no Ketuanan Melayu or Ketuanan Cina on their campuses. It is straight forward study, study, study, work, work, work.

Among the public universities the STEM universities (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) still stand a better chance of correcting their future. But even that is very suspect. 

MALAY PARENTS DENGAR BAIK-BAIK : Many private sector companies (Malaysian and multi-national corporations) now subject local engineering graduates to in-house written exams BEFORE their job interviews. Those who fail (there are many) are told to go home. No need for the job interview.

Among the NON-STEM public universities (humanities, religion, arts, history, education etc) they do not stand any chance of correcting their future. They are doomed. Their graduates will depend almost 100% on Ketuanan Melayu to survive. They cannot compete in the real world. Even talking about them is a waste of time.