Thursday, January 9, 2025


 I received these graphics today. Together they say it all.

The drawing above mirrors the Tak Ada Maruah Conference. No self respect, no sense of decency, without any moral values. Yet they are going to show the way? Show the way to the tong sampah? What is missing in the picture is a mention of 'public funds'. 

Anak puyuh main di paya. 
Kaum elit telan duit kita.
Air tenang jangan disangka tiada buaya
Tiada duit kita, kaum elit huru hara.

Below here is another  picture. 


The mother saying 'Entahlah nak' reflects the education-less system. The people are kept dumb and poor so that the rich can fool everyone. So that the rich can steal it all. 

'Entah-lah' simply means 'mak tak faham, mak tak reti, mak tak baca apa pun, mak tak faham apa pun'.  

It reflects the education system in our country.   
It reflects the Sedition Act to shut the people up.
It reflects one monkey suggesting the ISA should be brought back just so that they can arrest Papagomo and Chegubard. 

If you dont like Papagomo or Chegubard you make your own videos and refute what they are saying. Apa susah sangat? They dont talk sense all the time either.

Akhir kalam, rakyat marhaen, orang kebanyakan, rakyat biasa memang sudah kena tipu bulat-bulat oleh kaum elit dan kaum politik. 

Tapi kita perlu yakin dalam sistem demokrasi kita.
Rakyat marhaen perlu bangkit. Perlu bangun tidur.
Jangan percaya kaum politik.
Jangan percaya kaum lebai.
Rakyat kita perlu yakin dengan diri sendiri.