Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Chinese Freight Train News : Mercedes Benz Gets Slammed


A few days ago the Chinese released a video showing a new Niobium based alloy. Firstly the new alloy was possibly made a few years ago. The Chinese usually release information AFTER the thing is already in the production phase. Making something in the lab (R&D) is very different from manufacturing it in the factory. The US and the West are good at 'lab fab' but often they cannot bring it to the factory floor because it is not commercially viable. The costs are too high. This is where the Chinese excel. They move from the lab to factory production quite seamlessly. Anyway the new Chinese Niobium alloy has a melting point in excess of 3000 degrees Celsius. It is alloyed with high strength steels. This means hypersonic jet engines can be mass produced. We will be hearing more about that.

Here is a must watch video about what is happening to Mercedes Benz in Germany and worldwide. Mercedes is losing serious market share everywhere to Chinese EVs. Do watch.

Can you imagine the impact on Germany and Europe if this trend continues? Come February 23rd (German elections) there may be huge upsets. The AfD (Alternative for Germany) may pull a surprise.