Saturday, March 1, 2025

Briefings TWICE a day? Why not FIVE times a day? What happened to Mr Communications? Doesnt he know how to communicate?





  • KL March 1 — today will begin broadcasting daily live briefings 
  • to combat disinformation and misinformation.
  • senior press sec to deliver accurate, reliable information directly 
  • address key issues, share important policies, provide updates 
  • critical step in curbing spread of falsehoods and misinformation 
  • that confuse and mislead the public
  • briefing will be live-streamed at 11am and 5pm daily

My Comments : 

Are they trying to follow Karoline Leavitt's example? 

Karoline Leavit invites the Press to her Press briefings and she can handle any questions thrown directly at her. Berani betul. She does not do Facebook.

Anyway briefings twice a day only? Cukup ke?

  • Why not five times a day? 
  • Say after fajar, after zohor, asar, maghrib and isya? 
  • Isnt the more the merrier ? 
  • Its just my suggestion - simpan sejuk ok. 
  • Kalau tak setuju, tak setujulah.

But what happened to that other Communications fellow? At their Communications website among other things, it says the following,  :

But in this latest Press Release, they say

  • critical step in curbing spread of falsehoods and misinformation 
  • that confuse and mislead the public
  • Obviously the job is not being handled well enough. 
    Obviously the maklumat is kurang kualiti and the penyiaran is kurang integriti. 
    Hence the requirement for TWICE DAILY briefings.

    Circa 2000, Dato Mustapha Mohamed was Ketua Penerangan UMNO. At that time I worked with him quite closely. The entire UMNO information machinery was handled by  one other person and me. Just the two of us - one mamak and one Chinese Muslim. We had a rock and roll time.

    We came up with the Rapid Response Team. When issues broke out where the party had to respond, people in the network alerted each other (24/7, seven days a week).  The few core members (keep it small) would communicate quickly and if necessary we would get quick inputs from content experts.  A response would be prepared and passed to the Ketua Penerangan who would then decide how to call it.

    If the issue still prevailed then other people would give their own responses which had nothing to do with us.  

    The important thing was that the initial response should be quick, brief and accurate.

    But having said that (and done that) here is another secret - 'you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear'.  The boys may have to Google that one.