Sunday, October 27, 2024


If you were expecting me to say something about the local jerkoff issuing apologies for stealing RM20 Billion and the other jerkoff accepting that apology well after a while you become numb to their stupidity. They are village idiots.

Well the Islamic world has largely been super quiet about the Israeli airstrike against Iran yesterday. Some statements were made but thats it. No protests in the streets (except by some white people in London), no rallies after yesterdays Israeli attack on Teheran. Because Iran is Shia and the rest of the Muslim world is Sunni and Sunnis hate Shias and vice versa. So no one cares about Shia Iran. The truth is the Arab world from Morocco to the Gulf monarchies are celebrating this Israeli attack. The Taliban in Afghanistan and the Pakistanis are all celebrating. Hypocrisy at another maximum among the ummah. And of course the really stupid ayatollahs have very few friends anywhere.

Before the strike the ayatollahs threatened to attack any Arab country that allowed Israel to fly through their airspace. The Israelis flew through Syria and Iraq - without their permission of course. Syria and Iraq are Shia controlled and allies of Iran. So Iran cannot retaliate against them. Checkmate.

It is now believed that up to 120 Israeli jets, their SEVEN air to air tankers and other recon aircraft were involved in the strike. That is a lot of air assets to fly 1,600 km to Iran (one way) and back through hostile airspace. Considering that each jet would have carried a minimum of FOUR bombs plus air-to-ground missiles that would have been plenty of ordinance. Where exactly and when the SEVEN tankers refueled the 120 jets is a mystery.  Quite unbelievable mission planning.


The air strike happened in three waves or distinct phases. The first two strikes were against radar and air defenses plus ballistic missile sites along the strike route through Syria, Iraq and finally Iran. The third strike was against Iranian military bases and arms manufacturing plants. There was one report that the Imam Khomeini Mausoleum was also bombed (or a close hit).

While the bombs were falling early Saturday the ayatollahs rushed the Iranian Army and the IRGC to every road junction and street corner in Teheran. To keep an eye on the Iranian people and make sure there were no popular uprisings. Shoot to kill. Iranians have also been warned that sharing any videos and photos of the Israeli air attacks will be punishable with a 10 year jail sentence. The ayatollahs are more afraid of their own people than they are about the bombs falling from the sky.



None of Iran's nuclear facilities (map above)  or oil and gas facilities were hit but their air defense systems were taken out.  Iran is now without a substantial portion of air defenses. Until they are repaired or replaced Iranian airspace is wide open for further attacks.  Will Iran retaliate? Not likely. If they retaliate with their 1,000 missile barrage (as stated by them) the Israelis will most likely come back and wipe out those nuclear and oil facilities.

What is more relevant is that there has been no cataclysmic upheaval in the oil markets or in any markets. West Texas crude is below US72 per barrel. Hardly a glitch. 

There is barely a shiver in the Arab countries especially the Gulf countries.  There is not going to be any World War 3. This attack has highlighted the ayatollahs real weight in the Middle East - none. They are actually quite the featherweights, firing fire crackers here and there. Come tomorrow, Monday the world will be back to normal. Here is a 9 minute video that explains the tech behind the attack. You can skip the last two minutes.