Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Rupanya Kluster Mahkamah sedang berkembang. Apakah 'recruit' baru akan pakai baju warna oren atau akan dibenarkan pakai baju kot dan tali leher bila masuk mahkamah?

Dulu bila ex-perdana menteri parti mereka curi duit rakyat berbillion Ringgit mereka kata 'Malu apa Bossku?'

Sekarang seorang lagi ex-perdana menteri parti mereka juga disyakki terlibat rasuah beratus juta Ringgit.  Patut mereka buat slogan baru 'Malu apa Bossku 2.0'.

Kalau di negara Jepun, kesemua pimpinan parti mereka akan membunuh diri seppuku dan hara kiri untuk tebus maruah parti mereka. 


Tetapi malangnya 'malu' dan 'maruah' itu tidak pernah diajar di bangku sekolah ataupun oleh kaum lebai. Malu dan maruah itu memang satu komoditi yang yilek atau tidak termasuk dalam worldview mereka. 

Amanah rakyat yang mereka konon-nya berebut-rebut untuk memikulnya sebenarnya dipijak-pijak dan diludahkan oleh mereka juga. Mereka merebut amanah rakyat untuk menipu dan mencuri dana awam. Menurut seorang kenalan saya wanita muda yang terlibat yang sekarang sudah lari ke London itu mempunyai 'her best asset is her mouth'.  Sebab itulah kawan tu boleh koma terus di hospital.

Pelbagai teori konspirasi pun muncul kenapa mereka boleh tiba-tiba simpan begitu banyak wang tunai dan ketulan emas di rumah 'safehouse' ke apa.  Konspirasi ke tak konspirasi ke duit yang beratus juta Ringgit itu mana mari? Konspirasi ke bukan konspirasi ke duit itu duit curi juga. Duit yang bukan halal.  Kalau ikut ISIS dia kerat tangan saja. Di negeri China lagi mudah - mereka tembak mati orang yang curi dana awam.

Duit beratus juta (dulu berbillion Ringgit)  yang mereka curi adalah dana awam. Duit itu boleh dibelanjakan untuk membuat jalan, pasang paip air, membina sekolah, universiti, dana biasiswa, hospital, tambah bekalan ubat di hospital, beli mesin dialysis, respirator dan alat pembedahan, membuka kawasan pertanian baru, kawasan industri baru dan macam-macam lagi. Duit itu boleh multiply dan beranak melahirkan pelbagai kemajuan, pembangunan, kebajikan masyarakat dan kegiatan ekonomi dalam negara kita. 

Tetapi semua duit berbillion dan beratus juta itu di curi oleh ex-perdana menteri dan konco-konco mereka dan disimpan dalam bilik dan peti besi mereka. 

Mereka beli berpuluh biji jam tangan mewah (sebiji saja beratus ribu ringgit), jongkong emas berkilo-kilo, jewellery mahal gila - semuanya dengan dana awam yang di curi.

Lepas itu mereka boleh pakai songkok dan ketayap dan pergi sembahyang di masjid. Mereka boleh naik haji di Mekah, bergambar tadah tangan depan Kaabah dan pelbagai lakonan lagi. 

Malang sekali penyokong yang dhaif masih boleh jilat. Itulah kelebihan mereka yang sebenarnya - mereka pandai mengenal dan merapatkan diri dengan kaum yang dhaif. Lebih susah bagi mereka 'makan' orang yang intelligent dan berakal sikit. Sedih sekali masyarakat kita masih mempunyai ramai orang yang dhaif. Orang yang tidak boleh fikir atau bezakan yang betul daripada yang salah. 

Pencuri Dato Seri ada, pencuri Tan Sri pun ramai. Pencuri jadi hero. 

Lepas itu mereka sensitif bila orang lain meludah mereka.





Vladimir Putin Wins - US To Lift Sanctions Against Russia. Stock Markets Will Jump.



US stops financing new weapons sales to Ukraine – media

  • Wall Street Journal say President Trump freezing arms shipments from US
  • US suspended funding new arms sales to Ukraine, Wall Street Journal reported
  • Washington “stopped financing new weapons sales to Ukraine"
  • "to end military assistance to Ukraine.”
  • termination of intelligence sharing and training for Ukrainian troops and pilots 
    Trump said the “worst statement that could have been made by Zelenskyy"
  • He warned “America will not put up with it for much longer” 
  • Zelensky the “problem” due to his refusal to “talk peace.”
  • “Time is not on his side"

OSTB : I think the Brits wont mind if there is another assassination attempt on Trump.

Trump administration weighs lifting sanctions on Russia – Reuters
part of president’s efforts to improve ties with Moscow and end Ukraine conflict
The White House to ease certain sanctions on Russia, Reuters reported align with President Trump’s efforts to improve relations with Moscow 
Rubio explored economic cooperation, joint ventures in energy, technology 
restoring embassy staffing levels to improve diplomatic communications

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Head Of The Snake Is In London






Three years ago when the Ukraine War began I said that it was actually the British - American War against Russia, the British war against Russia and Germany and I also said that the real target was Germany. 

By the way, more than a week after the German elections they have not appointed a new Chancellor yet.

  • official appointment delayed due to "complexities" in forming coalition
  • the CDU secured approximately 28.5% of the vote
  • Alternative for Germany (AfD) achieved a historic 20.8%,

Olaf Quisling Schulz's party secured only 16% of the vote.  The CDU still cannot form a government? Lets see what happens.

Back to the story, Emil Cosman (the guy in the YouTube video) says he now has reason to believe that the head of the Hydra (the head of the snake) behind the Ukraine war is the United Kingdom. About three years too late but that is exactly what I said - three years ago.

Do you recall the Pangkor Treaty? The British will be Advisors to the Sultan 'selagi ada bulan dan bintang di langit' and such (for as long as the moon and the stars are in the sky).

Well in January this year 2025 the British signed a similar treaty with Ukraine. A treaty lasting 100 Years !!

This comprehensive treaty covers 'cooperation' in defense, trade, technology and "classroom" cooperation?? What it really does is it gives the UK access to all of Ukraine's resources as well as their markets FOR A 100 YEARS !!  

Meaning BEFORE President Trump asked for mineral rights in Ukraine, the British had already sneaked in via the back door. Its all about money and commercial interests. Why? Because the British supplied Ukraine with Challenger tanks (which are not allowed for front line combat - to avoid embarrassment when they get blown up), Storm Shadow missiles which were used to hit low value targets and some other weapons. 

In contrast President Trump says the US supplied up to US$350 Billion in weapons and cash to Ukraine for free. With no strings attached. As usual there are very rich and powerful corporate interests in the UK who want to profit from this war. 

In 1815 the Duke of Wellington defeated Napoleon Bonaparte at the battle of Waterloo in Belgium.  It is said that Nathan Meyer Rothschild made a killing on the London Stock Exchange because the Rothschilds courier network was able to transmit the news of Napoleon's defeat a day or two ahead of anyone else. They took positions on the Stock Market and true enough when the news broke, the stock market went up and the Rothschilds made a tidy profit.

War and money go hand in hand. This is why Boris Johnson wanted war with Russia, Liz Truss wanted war, Rishi Sunak wanted war and now Keir Starmtrooper is fighting tooth and nail to prolong the fighting in Ukraine. Big money is at stake.

The British are the head of the snake.  



 First a short video:


My Comments :

India faces two big problems in Manipur. The first problem is extremely difficult to overcome - not just in Manipur but throughout India and Pakistan - this is the problem of caste, race, language and religion. 

The only places where Indians have overcome the problems of caste, race, language and religion to some extent seem to be among Indians born and raised OUTSIDE of India. The Indian diaspora born and raised outside India, especially in Singapore and in the West, where economic and social advancement is not linked to anything 'Indian' do not seem to suffer the 'hostility' of caste, race, language and religion.

In Manipur the Kukis (as per the video) are an ethnic group and one of the largest hill tribes in that part of the world extending into Myanmar, Bangladesh, and sharing close ties with the Mizo people of Mizoram and the Chin people of Myanmar, collectively called the "Zo people". In short they are a mega-civilization in that neighbourhood.

But inside Manipur the Kukis are a minority - less than 20% of the population. And the Kukis are CHRISTIANS. Thank you to the Christian missionaries. The majority population of Manipur are the Meitei tribe. They are 51% of the population. And they are Hindus.  

  • Meiteis and Kukis speak different languages. That is a bad. 
  • Then they are Christian versus Hindu - another bad. 
  • Since everyone in India still knows their caste origins (they check it at least three times a day) the Meitis and Kukis are also of different castes - big bad.

Plus since Modi came to power the BJP has been playing caste and religion politics in Manipur. The ruling State government in Manipur is pro-BJP and they have been promoting the BJP's Hindutva politics.

What does that mean on the ground? There have been land grabs by the majority Meitis encroaching into Kuki areas. The state government has also tried to reduce "quotas" (government jobs, university entrance etc) which were reserved for the Kuki 'minority'. 

All this plus more has led to major grievances. Here is my prediction - this problem cannot be solved. Things are going to get worse. I blogged about the Kukis and Meities conflict about two years ago. It has only gotten worse since then.

Here is problem No. 2.  There is an illegal and illegitimate government in Bangladesh. They came to power last year through a military coup (the military forced Sheikh Hassina to leave the country in 45 minutes). The illegal government of Bangladesh is fully backed by Pakistan and by the Muslim Brotherhood. 

They have not "decided" when there will be free elections in Bangladesh. Or if there will be an election in Bangladesh at all. They will just "remain in power" as they please. The Nobel prize winner Mohamed Yunus reminds me of that other weasel, peace activist Aung San Syu Kyi in Myanmar. Such disappointments.

Anyway, stirring up trouble across the border in India (Manipur) will be exactly in the playbook of the Pakistanis.  Manipur is one state away from the Bangladesh border - through Mizoram which also has an anti-India insurgency.  It will not be difficult to transport weapons and materials across such a short distance into Manipur.

The video shows the Kuki insurgents carrying modern weapons. Weapons are expensive. Who pays for them? Where do they come from?

There is also China but China does not seem to have a policy of wanting to interfere militarily to destabilise India. The Chinese would rather sell Made In China rope to India and let them do whatever they want with it. 

Northeast India will heat up more.   





The Case For Egypt To Take Over Gaza



Some background. Culturally, linguistically, 'culinarily', historically Gaza has always been a part of Egypt. Gazans are actually Egyptians. They speak the same Arabic 'dialect'. Egyptians and Gazans pronounce the 'j' as 'g'. So Al Jazeera becomes Al Gazeera. 'Jamal' becomes 'Gamal'. 

When Egypt was under the Ottomans (for 300 years until 1914) Gaza was just a part of Egypt. Gaza became a 'separate' entity AFTER the British invaded Ottoman territory in the Middle East in 1917 during World War 1. 

Then after World War 2, for 19 years from 1948 until 1967 Gaza "returned" back to Egypt. No one, not even the Gazans, complained that they were under occupation by Egypt throughout those 19 years. Gazans were Egyptian citizens and carried Egyptian passports. For 19 years there was absolutely no proposal, suggestion or even any hint of an idea that Gaza should become a Palestinian state. Gaza was part of Egypt. Period.

Here is a view from the Middle East that Egypt should take over Gaza. This is not my view but I fully agree with this suggestion and I have mentioned it a few times before. I have also said that the West Bank should go back to Jordan because before 1967 there was no such thing as the West Bank either. There was only Jordan.

Egypt to control Gaza

MARCH 2, 2025

  • 2.2. million people in Gaza Strip, area 360 sq.km. 
  • Sinai, Egypt is adjacent to Gaza
  • area 60,000 sq.km. 170 times size of Gaza
  • Sinai population 600,000
  • Gaza’s population density 600 times larger than Sinai
  • Ethnically and culturally, people in Gaza and Sinai alike
  • speak the same language, share same religion
  • many share family ties, particularly in Rafah
  • border splits many families on either side of Rafah city
  • Sinai largely arena for drugs, weapons and human trafficking
  • vast territory is idle, little or no agriculture or solar energy
  • El-Arish port is largely empty with limited capacity
  • Turning El-Arish into Gaza’s main port a boon for everyone: 
  • Egypt and Gaza would benefit greatly
  • Sinai presents efficient and practical solution for Gaza
  • If one million Gazans relocate to Sinai 
  • set a path towards gainful employment, economic growth, prosperity.
  • sole requirement is to insist on voluntary movement into Sinai
  • Egypt must open the border at Rafah 
  • and desist from its refusal to let Gazans out
  • If Rafah border opens large majority of Gazans will move
  • as much as 80%, will leave of their own volition
  • Egypt dependent on US and Israel 
  • Without American financial, security assistance, Egypt cannot survive
  • When ISIS gained foothold in Sinai, Israel air force, special forces got job done
  • helped Egypt overcome the severe problem. 
  • Today, Egypt turns to Israel for assistance
  • not clear if Egypt wants to solve Gaza problem or perpetuate it
  • Egypt’s strategy is to preserve Gaza problem to keep Israel occupied 
  • Egypt maintains status as mediator between Israel and Hamas
  • at the same time profiting from smuggling from Sinai to Gaza 
  • also from goods passing “officially” through Rafah crossing
  • In practice, Egypt collaborates completely with Hamas
  • All their mediation efforts coordinated with Hamas 
  • (OSTB : Because Hamas controls the smuggling inside Gaza)
  • entire relationship between US-Egypt and Israel-Egypt needs reset
  • responsibility for Gaza should rest with Egypt, as it did prior to 1967
  • US must convince Egyptians to play an active role in Gaza

My Comments :

Egyptian president Abdul Fatah el Sisi's son controls the smuggling business, the logistics business and the official crossing from Egypt into Gaza at Ramallah. They make hundreds of millions of US Dollars. This means the Egyptian president and the Army generals also make millions of US Dollars from controlling the Gaza "business".

(This is an almost exact duplicate of the situation between Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Pakistan Army controls all cross border trade into landlocked Afghanistan).

So the Egyptian generals will never agree to taking over Gaza. They will lose all those millions of US Dollars.

This is where the US has to be creative and possibly offer the generals a large piece of the reconstruction business in Gaza (to be paid for by Qatar and other Arab regimes). 

In this plan, ultimately Egypt will have to take back Gaza. If they do not then Donald Trump can do what he is best at doing - 'You are fired'. The Egyptian regime can be easily replaced - maybe with another general.