A good friend of mine just sent me this video clip. Anthony Loke and friends are cooking up a storm. My friend asked 'Where is the fire?" (Actually he said a few more things including the word 'fake'). See the video for your self.
So I did a screenshot to see if there was a fire. Here is the screenshot.
I still could not see any fire. So I did a zoom shot. Here it is.
At home I can make coffee without fire. Dissolve instant coffee powder in hot water. Add milk (maybe some sugar) and then stir vigorously with a teaspoon. If the water is hot enough the coffee still comes out ok. Otherwise I stick the whole thing in the microwave and zap it for 60 seconds. You get nice, hot coffee. No need fire.
Stirring up bubur lambuk can be a hazardous profession. PermaduMalaysia blog says that (bekas penggaul bubur lambuk menjelang pilihan raya di Permatang Pauh) lost the elections.
p.s. do you see a giant microwave in the picture?