Sunday, October 27, 2024




Lim Lip Eng (above) said  :  "Dah curi duit rakyat, mahu berehat di rumah. Inikah perjuangan UMNO?"

Ahli Parlimen Kepong, Kuala Lumpur Encik Lim Lip Eng semalam mengeluh kemungkinan pencuri yang mencuri wang boleh menjalani hukuman tahanan rumah. Pemimpin DAP itu berkata keadaan sedemikian akan memberi gambaran bahawa seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan mencuri tidak akan berdepan akibat buruk.

"Mereka mencuri wang kita, dan sekarang mereka mahu berehat di rumah? Ia seperti berkata, 'Teruskan, curi seberapa banyak yang anda mahu, anda masih akan menikmati kehidupan yang baik," Malaysiakini memetik tulisan Lim dalam catatan Facebook semalam.

My Comments : Wah, Lim Lip Eng? Did you really say all that? What a first class hypocrite. Mr Backside has already said 'I accept his apology". Yet you are still sleeping with Mr Backside in your "unity gomen".  Your party still main b*nt*t with Mr Backside.

When  the Mufti Bill comes up in Parliament ALL your 40 DAP MPs are going to vote for the Bill. Your UMNO and PKR friends will be supporting the Bill. It is YOUR Bill. So why are you being such a hypocrite?

When they dropped those 34 charges against that Deputy fellow you did not do anything.
When they reduced the other fellows jail term you did not do anything.
When they reduced his fine by half you did not do anything.
Now if they put him under house arrest you will not do anything. 

Stop pretending that you care. 
Dont be a hypocrite.
Main wayang Cina kah? 
  • I have some news for you Lim Lip Eng.
  • Murray Hunter says that Pas is having negotiations with Mr Backside.  
  • I think you know this as well. 
  • Pas has 42 seats - which can replace the DAP's 40 seats.
  • It is not impossible if they decide to kick out the DAP and team up with Pas. 
  • Bye bye DAP.

It is too late anyway. Chinese voters are going to punish you. You are seriously losing the Chinese vote. 

  • You have no principles - you teamed up with UMNO to form the gomen. 
  • You already knew they were crooks. 
  • So why do you complain about them now? 
Lim Lip Eng, ponder this carefully. 
UMNO is at the bottom of the sh_thole. 
They are on their way to extinction. 
This means they have no way to go but up. 
Every single day that you (DAP) are their partners in the "unity gomen" you improve UMNO's chances of survival. That is what you are doing.

DAP on the other hand with your 40 seats are still sitting higher up on the ladder. But you are now going down. 

  • UMNO is going up at your expense. 
  • You are going down for UMNO's benefit.
  • Plus you are losing the Chinese vote.
  • You are not very clever.