Wednesday, March 19, 2025






  • ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza 
  • decision to bring the 15 part of OIC agreement supporting ceasefire in Gaza
  • OSTB : Ok lets do the easy part first. 
  • The Gaza ceasefire is over. 
  • There is no more ceasefire in Gaza. 
  • The ceasefire has been over for two days now. 
  • The Israelis have started bombing Gaza again.
  • Over 400 have been killed in the airstrikes so far. 

Here are two different headlines (Fox News and Al Jazeera).


OSTB : Dont these people listen to the news? 
Tak reti faham berita omputih kut?
This means whatever was agreed in the ceasefire is no more in effect.
There is no more  "OIC supporting the ceasefire in Gaza"
Whatever the OIC agreed or did not agree is not relevant anymore.
Why is it not relevant anymore?
Because the CEASEFIRE  IS  O V E R
Please get this through your kamp_ng heads. 
  • "part of OIC agreement supporting ceasefire in Gaza"
  • Really?
  • So what if the OIC agreed? 
  • We are an independent country. 
  • We decide our own policy. 
  • The OIC does not decide for us.
  • But please tell us what exactly did the OIC agree on? 
  • Because how come the other Arab countries (yes even Qatar is doubtful) are not taking any of these prisoners into their own countries? 
  • Arab countries are the founding members of the OIC. 
  • Please tell the truth. 
  • Pasal apa kita pula menyibuk sangat?
  • Pak Arab pun tak peduli pasal depa ini.

And now they are saying the most nonsensical cr@p: 

  • There will be strict enforcement by security agencies
  • and their activities will come with conditions
  • enforcement will be carried out by security agencies.
  • will diligently monitor the 15 who will be resettled in the country
  • yet to get ball rolling on process of bringing group 

First you want to bring them here and then you want to have:   "strict enforcement by security agencies, come with conditions, enforcement will be carried out, will diligently monitor" etc.

  • Hello brader, why dont you just let them remain inside the Israeli jails?  
  • Why bring them here and then you treat them like criminals? 
  • Why do you want to monitor and enforce over them as though they are your prisoners now? 
  • And how exactly are you going to monitor them?
  • Force them to wear those ankle bracelets for criminals?
  • Or tell them to report at the Police Station morning and evening?


Now we must waste our taxpayers money monitoring these foreign prisoners. We must use our security agencies time, manpower and money to monitor these foreign prisoners.

 Tak ada kerja lain ke brader?