Monday, October 28, 2024



The latest news coming out of Iran is that the 85 year old Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is seriously ill. These people are not used to hiding underground like rats. But that is what the ayatollahs and the leadership in Iran have been doing for the past few weeks. In fear of Israeli decapitation strikes they have been living in underground bunkers. Extremely undesirable and extremely un-macho behaviour by the leaders of a sovereign country. I believe it has taken a toll on the ayatollah's health.

This time around there already is a power struggle that is developing on who should be the supreme leader of Iran. The long time front runner was their president Ebrahim Raisi but he was killed in a mysterious helicopter crash - although fingers point at Israel there could be a power struggle conspiracy from inside Iran that killed Raisi. Raisi was possibly taken out by other mullahs.

This time around the IRGC has made it known that they wish to have a say in choosing who shall be the Supreme Leader. This is not a democratic process. And the Supreme Leader is selected for life. An even more un-democratic (and suicidal) practise. Obviously the IRGC is not fully supportive of Mojtaba Khamenei as the new Supreme Leader.

There are many reports saying that Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's 55 year old son Mojtaba is the front runner to be his father's successor as Iran's Supreme Leader. There is much resistance inside Iran to the idea of appointing Ali Khamenei's son as his successor. Cliche words like nepotism pop up.

I find it quite unbelievable that in this 21st century adult human beings would still be mesmerised by grown men wearing primate type beards, wearing long women's gowns and really silly headgears on their heads as "indicators" of their 'holey-ness' and hence their qualifications to be supreme leader of a country of 85 million people. 

Does that mean the larger the headgear the better qualified to be supreme leader?

                  Guess who is best qualified to be the new Supreme Leader Ayatollah?


When logic, common sense and reason is replaceable by a piece of cloth wrapped around your head that is when your civilisation has gone into the bin.